Dioscorea esculenta - Wikipedia
In Tagalog, it is known as tugi, while in Cebuano it is called apali. It is cultivated in Kerala, Goa, Konkan parts of Maharashtra India. In Malayalam, it is known as nana kizhangu or nheruvalli kizhangu or "Cheru Kizhangu".
TUGI - The world’s easiest applicators
TUGI is an innovative medical device designed to facilitate the administration of drugs from pre-filled syringes. Thanks to its well-thought-out design, TUGI allows you to easily insert a compatible syringe and then administer medication reliably and safely.
Harvesting Lesser Yam (Tam-is or Tugi), Root Crop - YouTube
Lesser yam (Dioscorea esculenta) is known as tugi in Tagalog and tam-is in Illonggo. The stems of this plant are round and thin, with big, black compound spi...
TUGI - Home
TUGI is a nonprofit organization that aims to inspire and empower youth to achieve urban sustainability through a gardening-based educational program.
Tugi Root Information and Facts - Specialty Produce
Tugi is a source of calcium to build strong bones and teeth, potassium to balance fluid levels within the body, iron to develop the protein hemoglobin for oxygen transport through the bloodstream, magnesium to control nerve functions, and other nutrients, including zinc, B vitamins, manganese, and other antioxidants.
Tugi, Dioscoria esculenta, lesser yam, asiatic yam .: Philippine ...
Tugi is a slender, slightly hairy, spiny vine, reaching a height of several meters. Tubers are 15 to 20 centimeters long, except in the case of some cultivated forms. Leaves are simple, suborbicular to reniform, 6 to 12 centimeters long, apiculate, the base 11- to 15-nerved, prominently heart-shaped, with rounded lobes.
Tugi - Filipino Food
Photo of Tugi by by voxmarc. Scientific name: Dioscorea esculenta. Translated in Ilocano-English dictionaries as “lesser yam” or Goa yam. (To compare, the more extensively cultivated ube is referred to as “greater yam” and has the scientific name Dioscorea alata).
Tugi Tuge - Overseas Pinoy Cooking
What is Tugi or Tuge? Tugi is a root tuber from vine plant with heart-shaped leaves. The root tuber is similar in size to a long kamote with thin plastic like skin. The skin is sometimes covered with small root hairs. Tugi are usually boiled like kamote or cooked with vegetables, like the Ilocano Buridibud.
TUGI - pomůcka pro usnadnění aplikace injekcí
TUGI je inovativní zdravotnický prostředek určený k usnadnění aplikace léků z předplněných injekčních stříkaček. TUGI díky své promyšlené konstrukci umožňuje snadno vložit kompatibilní injekci a následně jistě a bezpečně lék aplikovat.
TUGI – swiss made IT blog
The source code of the Deployment Editor (https://blog.tugi.ch/deployment-editor-preview) is now available on GitHub since the beginning of this week! 19. May 2024