Text-based user interface - Wikipedia
In computing, text-based user interfaces (TUI) (alternately terminal user interfaces, to reflect a dependence upon the properties of computer terminals and not just text), is a retronym describing a type of user interface (UI) common as an early form of human–computer interaction, before the advent of bitmapped displays and modern ...
GitHub - rothgar/awesome-tuis: List of projects that provide …
php-tui comprehensive TUI library for PHP based heavily on Ratatui. pterm A modern Go module to beautify console output. Featuring charts, progressbars, tables, trees, and much more!
tui::text - Rust - Docs.rs
Primitives for styled text. A terminal UI is at its root a lot of strings. In order to make it accessible and stylish, those strings may be associated to a set of styles. tui has three ways to represent them: A single line string where all graphemes have the same style is represented by a Span.
【Python】华丽的 TUI 库:textual(1) - 知乎专栏
Textual 是一个 Python 的 TUI 库,是 Rich 的姐妹项目,也依赖于 Rich。 它支持 Rich 的 Renderable 类,同时有自己的互动性组件 Widget 类。 在访谈中,创始人表示 Textual 受到现代前端开发框架如 Vue 的影响很大(没有用过 JS 不好评价)
GitHub - rhysd/tui-textarea: Simple yet powerful multi-line text …
tui-textarea is a simple yet powerful text editor widget like <textarea> in HTML for ratatui and tui-rs. Multi-line text editor can be easily put as part of your TUI application. Features: Multi-line text editor widget with basic operations (insert/delete characters, auto scrolling, ...)
推荐一个可用于快速创建 TUI 应用的框架 - Bubble Tea_golang tui …
2024年2月22日 · TUI,全称为文本用户界面(Text-based User Interface),是一种用户界面类型。对之对比的就是 GUI(Graphical User Interface)。我开始还以为 TUI 中的 T 的全称是 terminal。 TUI 是通过纯文本和基本字符在终端或控制台窗口中展示信息和交互选项。
tui-text 文本 | ThorUI文档
通过 text 属性传入文本内容, type 属性设置样式类型。 通过 padding 属性设置内边距, block 属性设置是否为块状, text 属性设置文本内容, color 属性设置文本自定义颜色, size 属性设置文本字体大小, fontWeight 属性设置字重。 请以移动端效果为准,touch事件目前尚未在PC端做兼容。 该组件为 会员组件,非开源内容,需 开通会员 才可获取使用。 ThorUI 轻量、简洁、全面的移动端组件库。 能大幅提升开发效率,包含uniapp与微信小程序原生版本组件库!
tui - Rust - Docs.rs
tui is a library used to build rich terminal users interfaces and dashboards. The crate is using the crossterm backend by default that works on most platforms. But if for example you want to use the termion backend instead. This can be done by changing your …
linux的tui模式命令 - Worktile社区
2024年3月18日 · Linux中的TUI(Text-based User Interface)模式命令是指在终端中使用文本界面进行操作的命令。 与图形用户界面(GUI)相比,TUI模式更加轻量化、灵活和高效。
Text in tui::text - Rust - Docs.rs
A Text, like a Span, can be constructed using one of the many From implementations or via the Text::raw and Text::styled methods. Helpfully, Text also implements core::iter::Extend which enables the concatenation of several Text blocks.
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