Yoga teacher, TuiNa Masseur and Photographer, I give individual …
Yoga teacher, TuiNa Masseur and Photographer, I give individual or group yoga classes. I offer yoga, Vinyasa, Hatha Flow and mediation classes and workshops. I accompany you on the path to well-being by offering massage treatments based on Chinese medicine, in …
Ich bin professionelle Sprecherin, moderiere seit über 20 Jahren die Lottoziehung im ORF, steh mit meiner eigenen Musik seit über 30 Jahren auf der Bühne und biete Yogakurse und Yoga Retreats in Österreich, Griechenland und Spanien an.
What is Tuina Massage? - ACA Acupuncture and Wellness
Learn about Tuina massage, a therapeutic Chinese bodywork rooted in TCM. Explore its benefits for energy balance, pain relief, and holistic healing.
Tuina Techniques - CAIN Healing Arts
2016年7月21日 · Tuina involves a wide range of technical manipulations conducted by a practitioner’s finger, hand, elbow, knee, or foot applied to muscle or soft tissue at specific body locations. It incorporates many of the principles of acupuncture including the use of acupoints.
Tuina: The Traditional Chinese Massage Technique For
2024年3月20日 · Tuina massage stands as a timeless testament to the wisdom of ancient Chinese healing traditions. Its holistic approach, rooted in the principles of Qi and meridian theory, offers a path to profound physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Tuina Massage - Manipulative Therapy & Exercise | SIN Osteopathic
Discover Tuina massage here. It's a traditional Chinese treatment method combining manipulation techniques and exercises for ultimate relaxation and wellness.
How A Tuina Massage can Improve Your Yoga Practice
2021年8月12日 · When combined with cupping or Gua Sha, Tuina’s benefits for detoxification and rejuvenation can be amplified. In conjunction with yoga, Seyhart’s Tuina practice can help improve mobility and even awareness. The awareness that takes place during the pressing, rubbing, and kneading of the soft tissues during the Tuina massage, is in itself ...
Tuina - Yoga Touch
Tuina ist eine selbstständige chinesische Massageform und eine der fünf Hauptsäulen der TCM (traditionellen chinesischen Medizin). Durch die verschiedenen manuellen Techniken sollen Qi (fließende Energie) und „Xue“ (wörtliche Übersetzung: Blut) in lokalen Bereichen wie auch in den Meridianen reguliert werden.
Karin Schreur | Shiatsu | TuiNa | Yin Yoga
TuiNa (spreek uit: twiena) is een Chinese massagetechniek. Het betekent letterlijk duw (tui) en grijp (na). TuiNa is de voorloper van Shiatsu. De behandelaar masseert door te duwen, kloppen en knijpen met vingers, handpalmen, vuisten en ellebogen. Net als bij de Japanse variant shiatsu gaat het bij TuiNa om het oplossen van blokkades in het ...
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