Tumi - Wikipedia
In modern Peru, to hang a tumi on a wall means good luck. The tumi is the national symbol of Peru and has become a symbol used in Peruvian tourism publicity and can be found depicted on tourist gifts such as mugs and key chains.
Tumi - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
El tumi es un tipo de cuchillo ceremonial usado principalmente por civilizaciones costeras preincas, siendo posteriormente adoptado y expandido por los incas tras sus anexión al imperio. Habitualmente está formado por una sola pieza metálica. El mango de un tumi tiene forma rectangular o trapezoidal.
Tumi, the ceremonial knife - Discover Peru
Many people in Peru hang a tumi on their walls for good luck. The Tumi is a ceremonial knife made of bronze, gold, silver or copper and usually made of one piece. Its handle has a rectangular or trapezoidal shape, its length varies but it always exceeded the width of a hand.
By the Cut of a Tumi: An Iconic Ceremonial Artifact of Ancient Peru
2016年8月26日 · The tumi was a ceremonial knife used by several pre-Columbian cultures that inhabited the Peruvian coast, including the Moche, Sicán, Chimu, and Inca cultures, to carry out blood sacrifice and perform surgical procedures. This artifact is …
Ceremonial Knife (Tumi) - The Art Institute of Chicago
His gold headdress has an elaborate open filigree design. Turquoise—for the peoples of ancient Peru, a precious gem related to the worship of water and sky—is inlaid around the headdress cap and in the ear ornaments. The tumi was made with diverse metalworking techniques. Solid casting was used to produce the blade.
Tumi, uno de los principales símbolos del Perú precolombino
El tumi, una antigua y venerada herramienta de la cultura precolombina peruana, se alza como uno de los símbolos más distintivos y emblemáticos del pasado ancestral de este país. Su historia y significado trascienden la simple funcionalidad de un cuchillo ceremonial, ya que encierra un rico legado cultural y espiritual que ha perdurado a lo ...
El Tumi de Oro: ¿A Qué Cultura Pertenece y Su Importancia …
2025年2月17日 · El tumi de oro es uno de los artefactos más emblemáticos y representativos de la rica herencia cultural del antiguo Perú. Este objeto, que ha fascinado a arqueólogos, historiadores y turistas por igual, pertenece a la cultura mochica, una de las civilizaciones más influyentes de la costa norte del Perú.
Tumi (knife) | Lambayeque (Sicán) - The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tumis are ceremonial knives with semicircular blades. Known on the Peruvian coast since the third century B.C., they often appear in Moche iconography, where they are used to cut the throat of sacrificial victims. Tumis were also recently found in situ in the tombs of high-status Moche and Sicán individuals.
Tumi - Bhamwiki
The Tumi or Ceremonial knife is a 10th or 11th century cultural artifact exhibited as part of the Pre-Columbian Collection at the Birmingham Museum of Art. It was made and used by the Sicán (also known as the Lambayeque) culture which occupied the Pacific coast of what is now the Lambayeque department of northern Perú from around 750 CE to ...
El Significado del Tumi: Cuchillo Ceremonial Peruano
El Tumi tiene sus raíces en la civilización Moche, una de las culturas preincaicas más importantes del antiguo Perú. Este cuchillo ceremonial, elaborado con metales preciosos como el oro y la plata, se caracteriza por su hoja en forma de media luna y …