new production Mullard 12ax7 sounded better than NOS-surprised
2017年12月23日 · My same experience as well. They beat out rca tungsram brimar matsushita bell and rft in my modern Marshall. That amp was designed and tuned to modern tubes. This may not be the case with older more simple amps.
New Sensor Mullard 12ax7s: flat sounding? - The Gear Page
2017年12月11日 · It has the original phase inverter tube in place (I don't remember what that is) The Mullard RI short plate easily beat out Tungsram, EI, Brimar, Matsushita, Bell, RFT, Sylvania, and RCA 12AX7 tubes for V1. All of them sounded dull compared to the Mullard short plate RI. Tung-sol RI, on the other hand, sounded thin and tinny.
Orange OR15 in-depth demo/review - The Gear Page
2020年2月5日 · You are supposed to run a 12AX7 in the PI slot. The only 12AT7 spec'd for the OR15 is in the effects loop. I run a NOS Millard in V1, Tungsram V2 and EI in V3. For EL84's I use NOS Mullards. IF you like extra punch I recommend JJ …