Saab 29 Tunnan - Wikipedia
The Saab 29 Tunnan (The Barrel), colloquially also Flygande Tunnan (The Flying Barrel), [Nb 1] [1] [2] is an early jet-powered fighter aircraft designed and produced by the Swedish aircraft manufacturer Saab.
萨博-29 - 百度百科
萨博29(SAAB 29),即J29战斗机,昵称“Tunnan(圆桶)”,是瑞典萨博(SAAB)公司在1950年代初期推出的一款单发动机单座轻型喷气式战斗机 ,亦是是萨伯公司首次将喷气发动机与现代高速飞行气动原理结合起来设计的喷气战机。
Saab 29 Tunnan - Plane-Encyclopedia
2016年7月25日 · The Saab 29 Tunnan was a single-seat, single-engine transonic aircraft and first-generation jet fighter. It was a small aircraft with a single central air intake placed at the nose, a bubble cockpit and thin sweptback wings.
J-29战斗机 - 百度百科
瑞典萨博飞机股份公司(Svenska Aeroplan Aktiebolaget,简称 SAAB)在战后设计了一系列出色的战斗机,它们在各国军队中长期服役并为萨博公司攒下良好的声誉,J29“圆桶”(Flygande Tunnan 或是 Tunnan)便是这些战斗机中的先行者,在它那短粗的机身背后却隐藏着令人 ...
The 29 Tunnan 'Flying Barrel': Saab's Most Numerous Fighter Jet …
2025年1月29日 · The Tunnan, nicknamed “Flying Barrel,” emerged as just that solution, thanks to its airframe and wing design intended to accommodate the new generation of jet engines. The 29 Tunnan would set Saab on a trajectory to eventually produce several of the most significant fighters of the modern era.
SAAB 29 Tunnan & SAAB 32 Lansen - AirVectors
The Tunnan was a leading-edge fighter by the standards of the time; during a visit to the UK in 1953, a group of Swedish pilots with Tunnans got a chance to take on US Air Force F-86 Sabres, with the two types proving very equivalent in performance. The Tunnan could out-turn the Sabre, but the Sabre could out-loop the Tunnan.
Saab J-29 Tunnan: The 'Flying Barrel Fighter' Built for Just 1 Mission
2025年1月31日 · The Saab J-29 Tunnan, Sweden’s first jet fighter, combined innovation and performance to compete with Cold War icons like the MiG-15 and F-86 Sabre. Learn how this unique aircraft left a lasting impact.
Saab J-29 Tunnan – The Flying Barrel - Pickled Wings
The J-29 prototype took to the air for the first time in September of 1948 with swept wings and the Tunnan became one of the world’s first production swept wing aircraft. Due to minimal experience with swept wing aircraft and their higher performance compared to straight wing types, the Tunnan had an initially high accident rate after ...
Saab Tunnan | Aircraft Wiki - Fandom
The Saab 29 Tunnan was a single engine fighter aircraft, developed and manufactured by Saab. It was the first swept winged fighter aircraft in the aftermath of World War II. It was called “Tunnan” (meaning “Flying Barrel”), because of it´s special fuselage design, which …
Saab 29 Tunnan - Fighter Aircraft Wiki
The Saab 29, colloquially called Flygande tunnan (English: "The flying barrel"),[N 2][1] is a Swedish fighter that was designed and manufactured by Saab in the 1940s. It was Sweden's second turbojet-powered combat aircraft, the first having …