Tupolev Tu-134 - Wikipedia
The Tupolev Tu-134 (NATO reporting name: Crusty) is a twin-engined, narrow-body jet airliner built in the Soviet Union for short and medium-haul routes from 1966 to 1989. The original version featured a glazed-nose design and, like certain other Russian airliners (including its sister model the Tu-154 ), it can operate from unpaved airfields.
圖-134 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
图-134 (俄语: Ту-134, 羅馬化:Tu-134, 北约 代号: 硬壳(Crusty))是原 苏联 图波列夫设计局 开发的一种双引擎窄体客机,和 道格拉斯DC-9 属于同一级别。 它是在 图-124 的基础之上,将机翼下的发动机后移至机尾处,再改用T型尾翼而成。 [1] 它在曾经的 华约 国家中被广泛使用,由于其巨大的噪声而逐渐遭到淘汰。 该型号曾在多达42个国家中服役,除了客运航空之外它也时常使用在军事领域。 虽然该型号的生产至1985年就停止了,但时至21世纪初仍然有一些国家 …
圖-134 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
圖-134 (俄語: Ту-134 ,羅馬化: Tu-134 ,北約代號: 硬殼( Crusty ))是原蘇聯 圖波列夫設計局開發的一種雙引擎窄體客機,和道格拉斯DC-9屬於同一級別。它是在圖-124的基礎之上,將機翼下的發動機後移至機尾處,再改用T型尾翼而成。
Tupolev Tu-134 - Price, Specs, Photo Gallery, History - Aero Corner
The Tupolev Tu-134 was a Soviet narrow-body jet airliner built by Tupolev Design Bureau. The initial model was designed with a glass nose and can be operated from unpaved runways. Developed from the Tu-124, the Tu-134 was first flown in July 1963 and was introduced in September 1970.
Tupolev Tu-134 - Airliners.net
For many years the Tupolev Tu-134 was the standard short haul jet airliner in the Soviet Union and eastern Europe. The Tupolev design bureau was responsible for the Soviet Union's first jet powered airliner, the Tu-104 (which was based on the Tu-16 `Badger' bomber), and the Tu-104's smaller brother the Tu-124.
图-134 - 百度百科
图-134是 前苏联 图波列夫设计局 研制的支线 运输机。 1963年下半年原型机试飞,1966年交民航试航。 可全天候飞行,有良好的起飞着陆性能。 图-134是初期型,载64~72名旅客;图-134A型机身加长2.1米,载客76~80人,排距较宽, 行李舱 容积增加2米3,安装了符合国际标准的无线电和导航设备。 前苏联民航总局使用200架,出口30多架。 [1] 采用后掠式下单翼;后部机身装载两台索洛维耶夫D-30 涡轮风扇发动机;后掠式T型尾翼连接背鳍;后掠式水平尾翼;早期机型的机 …
Everything To Know About The Tupolev Tu-134 Jet - SlashGear
2024年2月12日 · One such example of these experimental pursuits was the Tupolev Tu-134, a commercial jet designed and utilized within the former Soviet Union. While the Tu-134 never became a global standard,...
Tupolev Tu-134 - Airliners Now
The Tupolev Tu-134 is a short-range, twin-engine jet airliner seating 50 to 96 passengers, depending on the version. For many years it was the short-haul workhorse of airlines in the Soviet Union and the former Warsaw Pact states.
TUPOLEV Tu-134 - SKYbrary Aviation Safety
Short range airliner development based on TU-124 (initially designated TU-124A). Built in a few versions: TU-134B3 for up to 96 passengers. TU-134: Length 34,3 m Height 9,0 m MTOW 44,500kg. 134: 2 x 64,9 KN Soloviev D-30 turbofans. Short range airliner. In service since 1964.
Tupolev TU-134 - The Historical Marker Database
2024年9月24日 · The Tupolev Tu-134 (NATO reporting name: Crusty) is a twin-engined, narrow-body jet airliner built in the Soviet Union for short and medium-haul routes from 1966 to 1989. The original version featured a glazed-nose design and, like certain other Russian airliners (including its sister model the Tu-154), it can operate from unpaved airfields.