43M Turán III - Wikipedia
The 43M Turán III or 44M Turán III was a Hungarian medium tank of World War II. It was based on the 41M Turán II medium tank but was equipped with a significantly larger turret and a much more powerful long-barreled 75 mm gun. [3] The Hungarian Turán II medium tank from which the Turán III was developed.
Turan III | War Thunder Wiki
Introduced in Update "Sons of Attila", the Turan III is a serious upgrade over the Turan I. It shares some important characteristics with the Panzer IV H, and its playstyle is also rather similar. It has access to a very powerful gun for its BR which allows the Turan III to face even Soviet heavy tanks like the KV-1.
Turan III - War Thunder Wiki
Introduced in Update "Sons of Attila", the 43.M Turan III is a serious upgrade over the Turan I. It shares some important characteristics with the Panzer IV H, and its playstyle is also rather similar.
二战匈牙利坦克(3)——Turan中型坦克 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Turan III线图 75mmM43主炮 基本上是德国的75mmPak40反坦克炮的细微改进版,然而匈牙利人的研发缓慢,1943年12月前只建造了两门。该型主炮也被用于TAS身上进行工厂内部测试。
Turan问题及其相关 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
经典的Turan问题. Mantel定理 无三角形图中边的最大数量为 \left\lfloor\frac{n^2}{4}\right\rfloor 。 Turan 定理 设 G 是一个 n 个顶点的图,且 G 禁用 K_{r+1}, 则 \operatorname{ex}\left(n, …
40M Turán - Wikipedia
The Turán tanks were a series of Hungarian medium tanks of World War II. They were produced in two main variants: the original 40M Turán (or Turán I) with a 40 mm gun and later the 41M Turán (or Turán II) with a short-barreled 75 mm gun, improved armour and a new turret. A total of 285 40M Turán I tanks were made. [2] .
突朗III型:分析,参数,对比 - 《坦克世界》
43M Turán III | Military Wiki | Fandom
The 43M Turán III or 44M Turán III[4] was a Hungarian medium tank of World War II. It was based on the 41M Turán II medium tank, equipped with a significantly larger turret compared to its predecessors, and a long-barrelled 75 mm anti-tank gun. As the war progressed, the 41M Turán heavy medium tank also became obsolete quickly.
Turán | Vehicle families | War Thunder Wiki
In 1943, the 43.M Turán III was the last variant of the Turán series, though it only reached the prototype stage. It featured a redesigned, larger turret to accommodate the more powerful long-barrel 75 mm gun, significantly improving its anti-tank capabilities.
Turán III prototípus:評論、特性、比較 - WoT Asia
第二次世界大戰匈牙利中型戰車的原型車輛。 與先前的修改型相比,它配備了長管的 75 mm 43.M 炮管與改良型裝甲。 由於匈牙利於 1944 年夏季終止了車輛製造,從未投入大量生產。 這是輛加值車輛。 加值車輛可在每場戰鬥中獲得更多的銀幣與經驗,並且提供一系列其它獎勵。 乘員熟練度訓練到 100% 後的特性。 第二次世界大戰匈牙利中型戰車的原型車輛。 與先前的修改型相比,它配備了長管的 75 mm 43.M 炮管與改良型裝甲。 由於匈牙利於 1944 年夏季終止了車輛製造, …