Otokar Tulpar - Wikipedia
Tulpar is a Turkish heavy infantry fighting vehicle designed by the Sakarya -based automotive manufacturer Otokar. It is named after the Tulpar, a winged horse in Turkic mythology.
FNSS ACV-15 - Wikipedia
FNSS developed the ACV-15 based on the AIFV to meet the Turkish Land Forces Command's (TLFC's) operational requirement. The first production vehicles were delivered in 1992. The basic AIFV has a one-person power-operated turret armed with a …
PARS ALPHA - Wikipedia
The Pars ALPHA 8x8, is an infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) designed and manufactured by FNSS. [4]
Tulpar Infantry Fighting Vehicle - Army Technology
2014年1月24日 · Tulpar is a multi-purpose armoured infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) designed and manufactured by Otokar Otobus Karoseri Sanayi (Otokar) for the Turkish Armed Forces. The vehicle was unveiled at the International Defence Industry Fair (IDEF) in May 2013.
Tulpar AIFV - Army Recognition
2024年11月24日 · It is named after the Tulpar, a winged horse in Turkic mythology. The vehicle has been designed to support Turkey's new-generation Altay main battle tank in operations and to safely transport infantry to the front lines while providing fire support to other armored units.
TULPAR Infantry Fighting Vehicle - Defence Today
2023年5月18日 · The TULPAR Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) is a modern armoured combat vehicle developed by Otokar, a Turkish company. The TULPAR IFV is designed to provide high mobility, protection and firepower to infantry units in various combat scenarios. The TULPAR IFV can carry up to nine soldiers, including the driver, commander and gunner.
Arma 8×8 NG: the Otokar proposal for the Turkish Land Forces IFV
2021年8月19日 · At IDEF 2021 the company exhibited its 8×8 platform developed at a wholly new standard, fitted with Aselsan’s Korhan 35 mm turret system.
FNSS ACV-15 IFV (1995) - tank-afv.com
According to FNSS, it is designed for Multi-Missions in Mechanized/Armored Infantry units, Reconnaissance, Special Operations and Independent Infantry Operations. Production started in 1992 and spanned until 1997. It was replaced by the ACV-19 (ex.ACV-SW) or new generation IFV with one more roadwheel per side and stretched hull.
Turkey taps FNSS to upgrade infantry fighting vehicles
2023年5月31日 · Turkish armored vehicles maker, FNSS, was selected to upgrade the infantry fighting vehicles fleet. As noted by the company, it is awarded a contract on the capability enhancement & life extension program of Advanced Armoured Personnel Carriers (AAPC) in the inventory of the Turkish Land Forces.
Türkiye’s Otokar Tulpar IFV to compete in Poland’s heavy IFV tender
2024年8月27日 · Poland is set to launch a tender for heavy infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs), with at least three contenders from different countries expected to participate. According to Defence 24, the competition will feature Otokar Tulpar from Türkiye, Rheinmetall Lynx from Germany, and Hanwha Redback from South Korea.