Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic - Wikipedia
The Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic [a], also known as Soviet Turkmenistan, the Turkmen SSR, TuSSR, Turkmenistan, or Turkmenia, was one of the constituent republics of the Soviet Union located in Central Asia existed as a republic from 1925 to 1991.
Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic - Simple English Wikipedia, …
Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic (Turkmen: Түркменистан Совет Социалистик Республикасы, Türkmenistan Sowet Sotsialistik Respublikasy; Russian: Туркменская Советская Социалистическая Республика, Turkmenskaya Sovetskaya Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika), also commonly known as Turkmenistan or Turkmenia, was one of …
Flag of the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic - Wikipedia
The State Flag of the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic was adopted on 1 August 1953 and was replaced with the current flag of Turkmenistan in 1992. Although similar to the Flag of the Soviet Union , the layout is identical to the flag of the Kirghiz SSR with a ratio of 1:2.
土库曼苏维埃社会主义共和国 - 百度百科
土库曼苏维埃社会主义共和国(土库曼语:Түркменистан Совет Социалистик Республикасы;俄语:Туркмен Советская Социалистическая Республика)1917年,土库曼人民参加了 二月革命 和 十月社会主义革命,同年12月建立 苏维埃政权。 1924年10月27日成立土库曼苏维埃社会主义共和国,并加入 苏联。 1991年10月27日宣布独立,改国名为 土库曼斯坦。 同年12月21日加入 独联体。 1992年3月2日加入 联合国。 [1] “全世界无产者,联合起来! 土 …
Turkmenistan - World Statesmen.org
5 Dec 1936 Renamed Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic (Türkmenistan Sowet Sotsialistik Respublikasy/Turkmenskaya Sovetskaya
Introduction to Turkmen Bibliography – Slavic, East European
The Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic was officially established in 1924, upon the dissolution of the Turkestan ASSR of the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic, which had encompassed all of Soviet Central Asia up to that time.
Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic (1925–1991) - ProleWiki
2023年2月12日 · The Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic was a republic of the Soviet Union in Central Asia. From 1924 to 1940, the cotton yield of Turkmenistan increased by 450% and the yield per acre nearly doubled. [1] . The percentage of the population working in agriculture dropped from 59.1% in 1939 to 48.6% in 1959. [2]
Turkmen SSR | Historica Wiki | Fandom
The Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic was a Soviet socialist republic that existed from 1925 to 1991, with Ashkabad (Ashgabat) serving as its capital. The republic was created from the Turkestan ASSR, the Khorezm People's Soviet Republic, and the Bukharan People's Soviet Republic, and the...
Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic - AcademiaLab
The Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic, abbreviated as Turkmen SSR (in Turkmen: Түркменистан Совет Социалистик Республикасы; in Russian: Туркменская Советская Социалистическая Республика), was one of the fifteen constituent republics of …
Turkmenistan during the Second World War - Taylor & Francis …
2012年2月15日 · In the English literature, for the first time, the history of the Turkmen people in days of the Second World War is described. As it is known, the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic was one of fifteen republics of the former USSR. Therefore, since the first days Turkmens as citizens of the Soviet Union took active part in this war.