Product Testing Services Lab - Product Inspections - TÜV SÜD
View our testing labs in the U.S. and Canada. Learn the basics and the criteria of implementing Bluetooth into a product. TÜV SÜD through a global network of testing laboratories provides internationally-accredited product testing services in accordance with international standards. Contact us today.
Laboratory Services - Other Services | TUV USA - TUV NORD
In conjunction with TÜV NORD Group , TUV USA can offer Laboratory Services to our Customers. ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation requires that we have in-place the quality policies, procedures, and detailed work instructions necessary to ensure proper technical, as well as managerial, operating practices in our laboratories.
TÜV SÜD in North America | TÜV SÜD
TÜV SÜD's Product Service division offers electrical and mechanical product safety, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) testing, environmental testing, NRTL and SCC certification, CE marking assistance, restricted substance services, …
产品测试服务-第三方测试实验室-认证和质量测试服务 | TÜV南德
产品质量 测试 是推出新产品上市的一个基本环节。 通过测试程序,可尽早发现产品缺陷,还能找出产品中存在的可能的监管合规问题。 测试有助于尽早做出产品调整,避免产生代价昂贵的产品召回或罚款。 第三方测试是推出新产品上市的一个基本环节,通过产品测试服务可以尽早发现产品缺陷,TUV南德的产品测试实验室,帮助产品找出可能存在的监管合规问题,避免代价昂贵的产品召 …
TÜV Rheinland - Home | US | TÜV Rheinland - TUV
At TÜV Rheinland, our mission is to make lives safer. Get Certified Today! Need to get your company's Management System Certified? When you partner with TÜV Rheinland, you get more than certification. Learn more about TÜV Rheinland Group, the leading provider of technical services worldwide.
TÜV南德意志大中华集团 - 创享价值 激发信任 | TÜV南德
TÜV南德提供安全并可持续发展的解决方案,是您值得信赖的合作伙伴。 在过去的150多年里,我们借助各种各样的检测、认证、审核及咨询服务,为合作伙伴及客户切实地增添了价值.
国际互认 - 南德认证 - tuv-lab.com
国际认可论坛(International Accreditation Forum,英文缩写IAF),成立于1993年1月,是由世界范围内的合格评定认可机构和其他有意在管理体系、产品、服务、人员和其他相似领域... 国际实验室认可合作组织(International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation,英文缩写仍为ILAC)的前身是1977年产生的国际实验室认可大会(International Laboratory Accre... 太平洋认可合作组织(Pacific Accreditation Cooperation, 英文缩写PAC),是由亚太经济合作组织(APEC)成员 …
1.请在输入框中正确填写完整的查询编号,在填写时,请勿使用空格按键,并且区分英文大小写字母。 2.本系统一次仅可以查询一组证书/报告编号,请勿连续输入多组编号。 3.在填写时,请参 …
Laboratory Services | TUV India
State-of-the art laboratories offering high-end analytical services in the fields of food, agricultural produce, chemicals, materials and personal care products.