Tuyuhun - Wikipedia
Tuyuhun (Chinese: 吐谷渾; LHC: *tʰɑʔ-jok-guən; [1] Wade-Giles: T'u-yühun), also known as Henan (Chinese: 河南) and Azha (Tibetan: ཨ་ཞ་, Wylie: ‘A-zha; Chinese: 阿豺), [2] was a dynastic monarchy established by the nomadic peoples related to the Xianbei in the Qilian Mountains and upper Yellow River valley, in modern ...
吐谷(yù)浑(313年—663年),亦称吐浑、河南国,是中国古代 鲜卑族 首领 慕容吐谷浑 迁徙到西北地区后所建的地方政权。 慕容吐谷浑原游牧于辽河西昌黎棘城之北一带,为鲜卑慕容氏一支,后其部西迁至甘肃、青海一带。 其孙 叶延 始以祖名为族称。 晋义熙元年(405年),其首领 树洛干 自称大单于、吐谷浑王。 南北朝时,先后附属宋、齐、北魏。 梁大同元年(535年),其王 夸吕 始称汗,建都 伏俟城 (今青海湖南铁卜卡古城),他奉行睦邻政策,与东魏、隋室相继 …
Tuyuhun language - Wikipedia
Tuyuhun (Chinese: 吐谷渾), also known as ‘Azha from Tibetan script, [1] is an extinct language once spoken by the Tuyuhun of northern China about 500 AD. The existence of the Tuyuhun, and consequently their language, is first attested in the Book of Song , compiled around 488 AD.
Tuyuhun | people | Britannica
Called Tuyuhun, this state lasted more than three centuries. A Lhasa dynasty assumed control over the region in the 7th century, reaching its peak of power in the 8th century when territory was extended far to the northeast and even reached west of the Tang capital…
Tuyuhun 吐谷渾 - ChinaKnowledge.de
2013年2月9日 · The Tuyuhun 吐谷渾 (a special pronunciation instead of Tuguhun) were a nomad people of proto-Mongolian stock living in the region of modern Qinghai, Gansu and northwest Sichuan between the 4th and the 7th century CE.
吐谷浑 - 《中国大百科全书》第三版网络版
2022年1月20日 · 中古时期活跃在今中国青海及甘肃、四川、新疆部分地区的民族。 名称:Tu yu hun。
2022年1月15日 · 吐谷浑的故事,最早可以追溯到公元四世纪的时候。 当时正是西晋末年,因为司马家的几个王爷相互内斗,搞出了一场八王之乱,北方边境防务松弛。 于是很多北方的游牧民族,便趁机南下,想要内迁到中原生活。 在这个过程当中,鲜卑族无疑是其中的主力。 当年汉朝的时候,汉朝花了上百年的时间,好不容易把北方的霸主匈奴打垮。 但匈奴垮了之后,鲜卑就趁势而起,逐渐成为了草原上新的霸主。 到了西晋的时候,鲜卑正处于最为强大的一个时期。 不过 …
The lifestyle of Tuyuhun royal descendants: Identification and …
2022年8月22日 · The Tuyuhun Kingdom (AD 313-663) was one of the most famous regimes in northwest China during the early medieval period. However, the lifestyle and spiritual pursuit of their descendants who became allied with the Tang Dynasty remain enigmatic.
慕容吐谷浑 - 百度百科
317年,慕容吐谷浑逝世,享年七十二岁,由他的长子慕容 吐延 继位。 慕容吐谷浑,鲜卑 慕容部 首领 慕容涉归 的 庶长子。 慕容涉归在世时,分出七百户牧民给吐谷浑,吐谷浑和异母弟 慕容廆 两部都放牧马羊。 马相互争斗,而慕容廆的马受伤,慕容廆非常愤怒,派人对吐谷浑说:“先父把我们分开,你放马为什么不走开,而让它们互相斗伤? 吐谷浑曰:“马是畜生,吃草饮水为生,春天气息发动,所以马群争斗,怎么能对人发怒呢? 彻底分开很容易,现在便离开你一万里。 ” …
Tuyuhun - Wikiwand
Tuyuhun (Chinese:吐谷渾; LHC: * tʰɑʔ-jok-guən; [1] Wade-Giles: T'u-yühun), also known as Henan (Chinese:河南) and Azha (Tibetan: ཨ་ཞ་, Wylie: ‘A-zha; Chinese:阿豺), [2] was a dynastic monarchy established by the nomadic peoples related to the Xianbei in the Qilian Mountains and upper Yellow River valley, in modern Qinghai, China. [3]