跆拳道 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
跆拳道 (韓語: 태권도, 发音: [tʰɛ.k͈wʌn.do] (ⓘ))是一種主要使用 腳 以進行 格鬥 或對抗的武術 運動。 跆拳道用手作為防禦,跟著反擊,為揉合了 朝鮮半島 古代搏擊防身技巧,以及 跆跟 、 唐手 和 空手道 融合的武術 [1]。 跆拳道於1988年 漢城奧運 首次列為示範項目;於1992年的 巴塞隆納奧運 再次出現;到2000年的 雪梨奧運 開始成為正式比賽項目。 跆拳道是 朝鮮民族 (大韓民族) 的民族武技、 大韓民國 與 朝鮮民主主義人民共和國 的國家武技,創始人 崔泓熙 將軍融 …
跆拳道(韩文:태권도,英文:Taekwondo),是现代奥运会正式比赛项目之一,是一种主要使用手及脚进行格斗或对抗的运动。 跆拳道起源于朝鲜半岛,早期是由朝鲜三国时代的跆跟、花郎道演化而来的,韩国民间流行的一项技击术。
Taekwondo - Wikipedia
Taekwondo (/ ˌtaɪkwɒnˈdoʊ, ˌtaɪˈkwɒndoʊ, ˌtɛkwənˈdoʊ /; Korean : 태권도; [t̪ʰɛ.k͈wʌ̹n.d̪o] ⓘ) is a Korean martial art and combat sport involving primarily kicking techniques and punching. [5][6][7] "Taekwondo" can be translated as tae ("strike with foot"), kwon …
World Taekwondo
World Taekwondo (WT) is the International Federation (IF) governing the sport of Taekwondo and is a member of the Association of Summer Olympic International Federations (ASOIF) and International Paralympic Committee (IPC).
TAEKWONDO中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
South Korea is expected to excel in Taekwondo at the Olympics, although the rest of the world has been gaining ground since the sport debuted as a medal event in 2000. Tae kwon do is a …
The history and future of Taekwondo, KUKKIWON
The history and future of Taekwondo, KUKKIWON. 태권도의 역사와 미래, 국기원
What Is Taekwondo? Definition, History, Rules, and More
Taekwondo, often translated as " the way of the foot and fist," is a traditional Korean martial art that emphasizes kicking techniques, hand strikes, and jumps. It is a disciplined form of self-defense that goes beyond physical combat, incorporating mental and ethical principles.
跆拳道:奥运会历史、规则、最新动态以及即将到来的奥运会运动 …
跆拳道是一项传统的韩国武术运动,目前已经在全球206个国家和地区广泛开展。 跆拳道不仅仅教授身体格斗技能,更重要的是注重道德修养和纪律性的教育。 跆拳道这个词由三部分组成 - “跆”意为脚或踏上,“拳”意为拳头或战斗,“道”则指方式或纪律。 跆拳道中,虽然运动员可以通过手或脚来制服对手,但这项运动的特色还是在于它的踢技。 跆拳道的起源可以追溯到韩国的三国时期(公元前50年左右),当时新罗王朝的勇士团“花郎”开始发展一种武术——跆拳(“手脚并用”之 …
USA Taekwondo | What is Taekwondo?
Taekwondo is one of the most systematic and scientific Korean traditional martial arts, that teaches more than physical fighting skills. It is a discipline that shows ways of enhancing our spirit and life through training our body and mind.
Learn Taekwondo Online for Free - Expert Coaching
Discover how to learn Taekwondo online for free with expert coaching from Paul Green and Gareth Brown. Access comprehensive training tutorials and gain skills for Olympic sparring.
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