Is it possible to stream to Twitch using 144 FPS? : r/Twitch - Reddit
2020年12月22日 · You can stream higher but its sort of do-at-your-own-risk from that point up. a 720p/60 fps stream looks good around 4~5mbps. 1080/30 fps looks okay around there too. With the bitrate limit you would more or less be using 480p/144 fps to make things look okay but at that point why bother.
900p 60FPS Streaming Guide : r/Twitch - Reddit
2020年7月26日 · Just wanted to mention 900p is a weird resolution to stream at due to how Twitch's encoding works. You really want to use a number divisible by 8 (for both horizontal and vertical resolution), which is why a lot of big streamers are beginning to gravitate towards a 1664x936 resolution, which retains the 16:9 aspect ratio in high quality while being less demanding than 1080p.
936p vs 864p at 60fps on twitch : r/Twitch - Reddit
2023年3月4日 · Twitch provides [broadcasting guidelines] (https://stream.twitch.tv/) for encoding. The recommended options are all 720p and 1080p broadcasting. Other settings may work, but it's at the broadcaster's risk, since they have made no assurance any other bitrates or resolutions would be officially supported.
Advanced Stream Settings Calculator and Guide : r/Twitch - Reddit
2018年3月22日 · I see a lot of people on twitch attempting to stream and not being entirely sure of the resolution, fps and bitrate they should be using for the hardware and setup they have. This calculator provides tips on what settings to use, insight on why a setting is recommended over another and spits out the recommended bitrate for the settings you choose.
Is streaming on 30fps okay : r/Twitch - Reddit
2021年9月12日 · Most people would prefer a fluid stream at 30 rather than a laggy stream at 60. Yeah 60 fps is a bit more pretty to look at but no viewer is dropping a stream bc it's on 30 fps, specially if that means that you are having no more performance issues. It's such a small detail viewers don't really care much about, it doesn't make a stream unwatchable.
30fps vs 60fps: Which is actually better? : r/Twitch - Reddit
2014年8月30日 · 60 fps is better than 30 fps. Higher fps requires higher bitrate to maintain image quality. At the same bitrate, 30 fps will have a clearer image but more stuttered movement. This test ran at 2200kbps, a great bitrate for non-partners to use. The higher the bitrate the lesser the image quality difference between 30 and 60 fps.
About "in-between" framerates like 40 or 45 fps for streams
2016年4月29日 · So 45 fps means the video hits 3 60fps frames in a row and then skips one, 40 fps hits 2 and skips one. Visually, they do look a bit better than 30 fps, but due to the gaps they don't look as fluent as they should for the framerate.
My stream looks choppy but I have a great pc. : r/Twitch - Reddit
2021年8月28日 · 50 fps is an awful idea, twitch will transcode that to 25fps at lower resolutions which will look bad. ...
Resolution and framerates : r/Twitch - Reddit
2021年1月20日 · From my experience, you should cap your fps so that your gpu load (while streaming) remains below 90% and never hits 100%. If it reaches 100%, the stream is the first thing to go. I'm usually just lazy and cap it to 60 because I know that leaves a lot of room to bump up the graphics in response.
Is it possible to stream at above 60 FPS? : r/Twitch - Reddit
2019年5月20日 · It is possible. I already streamed at 120 fps, it shows as source 60 fps, but if you go into the advanced video stats the actually fps are 120. There is only one problem: it can happen that you skip a lot of frames as a viewer. Always depending on the device and browser used. But it's possible. And it does work on twitch with source quality.