Twix - Wikipedia
Twix is a chocolate bar made by Mars Inc., consisting of a biscuit applied with other confectionery toppings and coatings (most frequently caramel and milk chocolate). [1] Twix are packaged with one (mini and snack sizes), two (standard size), or four bars (king size) in a wrapper.
TWIX Peanut Butter Chocolate Cookie Bar Candy, 1.68-Ounce …
TWIX Creamy Peanut Butter Bars are a crisp crunchy cookie and a layer of creamy peanut butter topped with milk chocolate. When you're craving a sweet treat, these are sure to please.
TWIX All Products | TWIX US
Twix products The taste you love. Twice. Experience the sweet combination of crunchy cookie, delicious caramel, and creamy chocolate – however you want it. Stock up now on TWIX bars, fun size bags, ice cream, minis, and more.
台灣網際網路交換中心 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
台灣網際網路交換中心 (英文: Taiwan Internet Exchange, 縮寫: TWIX)是一家位於 台灣 的 互聯網 交換中心,設址於 台北市 中正區 信義路一段21號數據通信大樓六樓TWIX機房,由 中華電信 於1997年11月26日開始負責對外營運 [1]。
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Twix Logo, symbol, meaning, history, PNG, brand - Logos-world
2024年8月6日 · Twix is a globally recognized chocolate bar brand owned by Mars, Incorporated. It is famous for its unique design that features two crispy cookies topped with caramel and coated in milk chocolate.
There's More to a TWIX | TWIX US
Whether it's TWIX’s smooth caramel flowed onto crispy cookie and bathed in chocolate, or TWIX’s crunchy cookie cascaded with soft caramel and cloaked in milk chocolate, there's more to a TWIX!
Twix Rotachispa - PNJ - World of Warcraft - Wowhead
Twix Rotachispa es un PNJ de nivel 70, que puede ser encontrado en Tranvía Subterráneo. Este PNJ se puede encontrar en Tranvía Subterráneo.
Twix Engrétincelle - PNJ - World of Warcraft - Wowhead
Twix Engrétincelle est un PNJ de niveau 80 qui peut être trouvé dans Tram des profondeurs. Ce PNJ se trouve dans Tram des profondeurs. Toujours à jour.
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