Type 052B destroyer - Wikipedia
The Type 052B was China's first modern destroyer design [6] [7] and the first Chinese design to incorporate true medium-range air defence capability in the form of Russian Shtil-1 (improved navalized Buk, NATO designation SA-N-12) surface-to-air missiles (SAM).
052B型导弹驱逐舰 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
052B型驅逐艦(北約代號:旅洋I級,英文:Luyang I)又稱廣州級驅逐艦,是中國人民解放軍海軍装备的第一型自制的具備艦隊区域防空能力的多用途驅逐艦。
中国装备志——052B型导弹驱逐舰 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
除了最为重要的 施基利防空系统 ,052b驱逐舰搭载了数量较多的各型武器,十分具有苏式风格,总共配备了4座4联装反舰导弹发射系统,主要装填16枚鹰击-83高亚音速反舰导弹,2部3联装7424型鱼雷发射器,主要鱼-7反潜鱼雷,最大射程14千米,一门仿制法国t100c的h ...
Type 052B / Guangzhou Class Destroyer - Naval Technology
2010年4月7日 · The Type 052B is a multirole missile destroyer built by Jiangnan Shipyard for the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) of China. Two ships have been built in the class: Guangzhou and Wuhan. The class is preceded by the Type 051B destroyer and succeeded by the Type 052C destroyer.
Type 052B Luyang I class Guided Missile Destroyer - Seaforces
2 x Type 75 6-cell, 240mm ASW rocket launchers 4 x Type 726 decoy launchers (18 cells) Aviation: flight deck and hangar for 1 helicopter Systems: MR-750A (NATO = Top Plate) 3D E-band phased array air search radar 4 x MR-90 (Front Dome) fire control radar (SSM's) The Type 344 I/J-band multifunctional fire control radar (gun)
History of Type 052 variants (Type 052, 052A, 052B, 052C and 052D)
2023年8月24日 · Then comes the Chinese Type 052B, perfect analogue of the Indian Navy Delhi class destroyer. Built in early 2000s and feature 2 Shtil-1 3S90 launchers and 16 AShMs with similar range to the Kh-35s. Plus Top Plate as well. These are reportedly getting deep refits and VLS SAM to replace ancient Shtils.
Type 052 destroyer - Wikipedia
The Type 052 (NATO/OSD Luhu-class destroyer [3]) is a class of destroyers developed in the People's Republic of China (PRC) for the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN). The Type 052 was an intermediate between the obsolescent Type 051 …
The old ship is back!The Chinese Navy's "Guangzhou" ship …
2025年3月14日 · After four years of upgrading and transformation, the first ship of the Chinese Navy's first Type 052B guided missile destroyer, the 168 "Guangzhou", has finally completed the corresponding mid-term overhaul and is about to return to active service.
中国052型(旅沪级)驱逐舰_Type 052(Luhu-class) …
2016年4月2日 · The Type 052 Luhu-class is one of the first modern multi-role guided missile destroyers built by China. There are currently two units in active service with the People's Liberation Army Navy Surface Force.
中国军备史(海军篇)-驱逐舰-052B型 - 新浪看点
2017年12月9日 · 052B型驱逐舰(英语:Type 052B Destroyer,北约代号:旅洋I级,英文:Luyang I)又称广州级驱逐舰,九五计划与十五计划国家重点工程之一,是中国人民解放军海军装备的第一型自制的具备舰队区域防空能力的多用途驱逐舰。