075 LHD thread | Page 393 | Sino Defence Forum - China Military …
2011年7月7日 · 075 is a established design and 076 is getting its kinks worked out with sea trial and probably a few years of navy feedback before a redesign /modifications. Once they got …
Type 076 LHD/LHA discussion - sinodefenceforum.com
2020年7月19日 · IMO, type 071, 075 and 076 each play a not so slightly different roles in an amphibious assault. Type 071 has 4 LCAC, a hangar for 2 Z8 helicopter (plus 2 more on …
075 LHD thread | Page 390 | Sino Defence Forum - China Military …
2011年7月7日 · If type 076 has similar capacity in carrying the number of IFV, tanks, LCAC and the number of marines as in type 075, plus extra capability in EMALS catapult and larger …
Type 076 LHD/LHA discussion - sinodefenceforum.com
2020年7月19日 · A satellite image that shows the size difference between Type 076 and 075.
Type 076 LHD/LHA discussion - sinodefenceforum.com
2020年7月19日 · What kind of ships will be part of a Type 076 LHD led Expedition Strike Group (ESG)? Would the Type 075 LHD be part of it as well? It would require at least 2x Type 052D …
Type 076 LHD/LHA discussion - sinodefenceforum.com
2020年7月19日 · Each class of ship, type 071, 072, 075 and 076 has been planned and designed more than 10 years ago, and they are going to be deployed either in combination or …
Type 076 LHD/LHA discussion - sinodefenceforum.com
2020年7月19日 · I can see this working along with escorts or part of a fully fledged Amphibious Ready Group (ARG) with Type 075 LHD + Type 071 LPD in which I would add Type 076 LHA …
075 LHD thread | Page 117 | Sino Defence Forum - China Military …
2011年7月7日 · In spite of learning what I have (from this forum I hasten to add) about PLAN construction rates, the speed of construction of these type 075's seems quite remarkable.
Type 076 LHD/LHA discussion - Sino Defence Forum
2020年7月19日 · You are probably right about the electromagnetic catapult portion increasing the price, but surely the hull itself will not cost too much over the cost of a Type 075 landing …
075 LHD thread | Page 389 | Sino Defence Forum - China Military …
2011年7月7日 · The 4th 075 LHD has been re-launched and moved into the Yangtze. No pennant number visible. Posted by @北冥有鱼Mk6 on Weibo.