Type 206 submarine - Wikipedia
The Type 206 is a class of diesel-electric submarines developed by Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft (HDW). Its design is based on the preceding Type 205 submarine class. These small and agile submarines were built during the Cold War to operate in the shallow Baltic Sea and attack Warsaw Pact shipping in the event of military confrontation.
206級潛艇 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
206級潛艇 (U型潛艇)是一種小型近岸柴電潛艇,由 德國 哈德威造船廠 (HDW)以之前 205級 為基礎,於冷戰中期的1962年開發設計完成,並在1970年代開始服役於 德國海軍,未來計畫服役至2012年後將全數除役,由新一代 212A級潛艇 完全取代。 西德於1960年開始建造二次大戰後第一款全新設計的201級潛艇,並且首次採用低磁性鋼材建造,可減低引爆磁性水雷的機會,提升在淺水海域操作的生存性,但201級在1962年服役後出現嚴重的生鏽問題,只建造3艘就停止, …
206型潜艇 - 百度百科
206型潜艇(英文:Type 206 submarine),是德国于20世纪70年代前半期建成的一批常规潜艇。 206型潜艇以鱼雷为主要武器的小型潜艇,带有很强的冷战气息,体型设计得小巧,采用无磁性金属建造,难于被敌方雷达侦测到,因此可以在战争胶着是能够顺利通过狭窄的 ...
Type 206 submarines (1972) - Naval Encyclopedia
2024年6月28日 · The Type 206 diesel-electric submarines were the next generation of 1970s U-boats developed by Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft (HDW) for the Bundesmarine. There was an incremental step as it derived strongly from the Type 205.
206型潛艇(206級常規潛艇):發展沿革,研製背景,建造沿革,服役歷程, …
206型潛艇(英文:Type 206 submarine),是德國於20世紀70年代前半期建成的一批常規潛艇。 206型潛艇以魚雷為主要武器的小型潛艇,帶有很強的冷戰氣息,體型設計得小巧,採用無磁性金屬建造,難於被敵方雷達偵測到,因此可以在戰爭膠著是能夠順利通過狹窄的 ...
Type 206-class gunboat - Wikipedia
The Type 206 class gunboat is a gunboat of the People's Republic of China's People's Liberation Army Navy. [1] [2] Also known as the Huludao class [citation needed], it is a simplified version of the Type 037 class submarine chaser (also known as the Hainan class). [3]
Type 206 206A class Submarine German Navy - Seaforces
The Type 206 is a class of diesel-electric submarines (U-boats) developed by Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft (HDW). Its design is based on the preceding Type 205 submarine class. These small and agile submarines were built during the Cold War to operate in the shallow Baltic Sea and attack Warsaw Pact shipping if the war turned hot.
Type 206 (class) Diesel-Electric Attack Submarine - Military Factory
2019年1月1日 · Page details technical specifications, development, operational history of the Type 206 (class) Diesel-Electric Attack Submarine including pictures. The global defense reference actively compiled since 2003
206型潜艇以鱼雷为主要武器的小型潜艇 - 百度知道
206型潜艇(英文:Type 206 submarine),是德国于20世纪70年代前半期建成的一批常规潜艇。 206型潜艇以鱼雷为主要武器的小型潜艇,带有很强的冷战气息,体型设计得小巧,采用无磁性金属建造,难于被敌方雷达侦测到,因此可以在战争胶着是能够顺利通过狭窄的 ...
Unterseeboot Klasse U 206 A - GlobalSecurity.org
2017年8月15日 · The Type 206 is one of the smallest attack submarines in the world with a displacement of about 500 tons. Due to their small size and good dive characteristics, they are particularly useful in ...