Type XXI submarine - Wikipedia
Type XXI submarines were a class of German diesel–electric Elektroboot (German: "electric boat") submarines designed during the Second World War. One hundred and eighteen were completed, with four being combat-ready. During the war only two were put into active service and went on patrols, but these were not used in combat.
Type 21 frigate - Wikipedia
The Type 21 frigate, or Amazon-class frigate, was a British Royal Navy general-purpose escort that was designed in the late 1960s, built in the 1970s and served throughout the 1980s into the 1990s. [1]
21型巡防舰 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
21型巡防舰也称为亚马逊级巡防舰、女将级巡防舰,是英国皇家海军于1960年代晚期為取代豹级巡防舰而建造的护航巡防舰 [1] ,曾參與福克蘭戰爭 [2] ,在皇家海軍一直服役到1990年代,有六艘在退役後轉售給巴基斯坦,稱為塔里克級驅逐艦。
Type 21 - Wikipedia
Type 21 can refer to: Type 21 frigate, or Amazon-class frigate, a late-20th-century escort vessel of the Royal Navy. Type 021-class missile boat, a Chinese missile-firing naval vessel first produced in about 1975, and still in production. Type XXI submarine, a German technologically advanced submarine produced in 1945.
21型潜艇 - 百度百科
21型潜艇(又称:XXI型潜艇),是 德国 在 第二次世界大战 期间设计和使用的一型柴电潜艇。 21型潜艇是世界上第一艘真正意义上的的“潜”艇,以潜在水下巡逻和作战为宗旨 [1]。 其首次使用了通气管装置,实现了潜艇向水下航行为主的基本性能的转变,推动了二战后世界各国潜艇技术的迅速发展,被认为是现代潜艇技术发展过程中的第三个里程碑 [2]。 21型潜艇设计师为瓦尔特教授,1943年开始研制,首艇1944年5月12日下水,1944年6月27日服役 [3]。 二战一开始,自知 …
German Type XXI U-Boat Elektroboat UBoat - history, …
With a new rapid reloading hydraulic system, the Type XXI could launch three six torpedo salvos or eighteen torpedoes in just under 20 minutes; whereas it took over ten minutes to reload just one tube on the Type VIIC.
XXI級潛艇 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
XXI級潛艇 (德語:Klasse XXI 、或稱 Typ XXI)是 納粹德國海軍 在 第二次世界大戰 後期使用的一級 潛艇,也是世上第一種完全為水下作戰設計、而非以往為攻擊和躲避水面艦攻擊才下潛的潛艇,為近代潛艇的雛型。 二次大戰中,於1939年開始的 大西洋海戰,德國使用的主力潛艇— VII級潛艇 在戰場上已逐漸顯得過時,因此海軍潛艇總司令 卡爾·鄧尼茲 將VIIC型和 IX級潛艇 的建造計畫變更,全力將資源投入於高速新式潛艇的建造。 XXI級潛艇改進了德軍舊有的電池容量,約 …
Type 21 frigate | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Type 21 frigate, or Amazon-class frigate, was a Royal Navy general-purpose escort that was designed in the late 1960s, built in the 1970s and served throughout the 1980s into the 1990s. In the mid-1960s, the Royal Navy had a requirement for a replacement for the diesel-powered Leopard-class...
Type XXI submarine | Military Wiki | Fandom
Type XXI U-boats, also known as " Elektroboote " (German: "electric boats"), were the first submarines designed to operate primarily submerged, rather than as surface ships that could submerge as a means to escape detection or launch an attack. The key improvement in the Type XXI was greatly increased battery capacity, roughly triple the Type VIIC.
The Nazis’ Advanced Type XXI Submarine Was a Giant Mistake
2020年11月13日 · More than 250 feet long and displacing 1,620 tons, the Type XXI packed six hydraulically-reloaded torpedo tubes capable of firing more than 23 stored torpedoes. This arsenal could turn a convoy...