Type 58 assault rifle - Wikipedia
The Type 58 (Korean: 58식자동보총) is an assault rifle made in North Korea derived from the Soviet AK-47 [4] designed by Mikhail Kalashnikov. This was the first weapon made in North Korea alongside the PPSh-41, made under license as the Type 49. [5] It was made in Factory 61 and 65 [5] in Chongjin. [3]
闲聊战车:“58式中型坦克”真实存在?一个流传了8年的谣言!教 …
游戏中的“58式”,升级炮塔,有了两个指挥塔. wot的建模还是值得一赞的,起码美术团队从最初就还原了中国改造版t-34-85的一些特征,最明显的就是 炮塔上的双指挥塔、指挥塔上的高射机枪底座以及炮塔侧面的“铁条” 。微博@t-34用户-kazan指出:装填手的那个 ...
Type 58 and T-34-85 in Chinese Service - Tank Encyclopedia
2019年2月2日 · One source reports that the name came from the 12.7mm Type 54 machine gun being upgraded in the late 1950s to feature high-altitude sights, with such upgraded models being known as ‘Type 58’ (although this is unconfirmed), and …
Type 58 Assault Rifle - Military Factory
2018年12月28日 · With the widespread acceptance and subsequent use of the famous Kalashnikov AK-47 assault rifle, the North Korean began adoption of the type as the "Type 58". The Type 58 formally entered DPRK service in 1958 through localized production and continues in its defined assault rifle role today.
DPRK’s AKs: Inside the Shadowy World of North Korean AK Rifles
2018年9月11日 · North Korea began producing 7.62x39mm AK rifles in 1958. Designated as the Type 58, the weapon is a copy of the Soviet AK rifle with the milled receiver. Some of the early manufacture Type 58 rifles were assembled using a number of Russian-made parts until eventually the Koreans were able to produce all of the components in-country.
【转载|翻译】中国T-34-85(选摘)一 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
“58式”是中国对T-34-85的神秘升级项目的非官方称呼。 在中国军队中服役的T-34-85均为1950至1955年间按照中苏友好同盟互助条约(1950)规定,与其它军用物资一同来到中国的。 简而 …
Type 58 - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
The Type 58 is a Chinese tier 6 medium tank. The U.S.S.R. exported a total of 1,800 T-34-76 and T-34-85 tanks to China. In 1954 the Chinese government made the decision to begin domestic production of the T-34-85 in 1958, with the new vehicle designated the Type 58.
Type 58 assault rifle | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The Type 58 is a North Korean assault rifle. It is a North Korean version of the Soviet AK-47. After the Korean War, North Korea allied with the Soviet Union and adopted their guns. President Kim Il Sung ordered the fabrication of Type 58. The Type 58 was used in the Vietnam war, Iran-Iraq war and Nicaraguan revolution.
Type 58:回顾,特点,对比 - WoT Asia
1954年,中国决定从1958年起开始自主生产T-34-85,并将这种国产T-34-85命名为Type 58。 但后来计划并没有得以实施,中国军方将部分T-34-85改装成为了T-34s。 国家 中国 中国
Type 58:評論、特性、比較 - WoT Asia
Type 58 影片評論涵蓋了主要車輛特性及其戰鬥表現。 蘇聯共出口了 1,800 輛 T-34-76 與 T-34-85 戰車至中國。 1954 年,中國政府決定要在 1958 年開始自行生產 T-34-85、並將新車命名為 Type 58。