Type 99 tank - Wikipedia
Three main versions of the Type 99 have been deployed: the Type 98 prototype, Type 99 and the Type 99A. The Type 99 forms the core of China’s modern maneuver combat capabilities, with over 1,300 tanks built for the past two decades.
ZTZ-99主战坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
当前通过正常游玩游戏可获得8级99式主战坦克 [31] 、9级99a主战坦克 [32] 以及10级99a2(现实中,99a在原型车试验期间曾换装过54倍径长身管坦克炮)主战坦克 [33] 。
The Type 99A2 Main Battle Tank - TankNutDave.com
The Type 99A2 uses an improved ZPT98 series 125mm smoothbore main gun. It is a calibre Length 50 and capable of firing a range of rounds including a new APFSDS with a reported muzzle velocity of 1780 m/s.
杂谈三期改进99式主战坦克——ZTZ-99A2 - 哔 ... - 哔哩哔哩
99a2换装了 1门50倍径 zpt-98 125毫米滑膛炮,备弹42发。 相比于99A1的 48倍径 ZPT-98 125毫米滑膛炮,备弹41发,的火力性能有了一定程度的提升,发射钨芯尾翼稳定脱壳穿甲弹可以在2000m的距离上有效击穿680mm以上的均制钢装甲,这里所说的“有效击穿”在中国标准下为 ...
Type 99A2/ZTZ99A2 - Army Guide
The Type 99A2 has a Commanders Independent Sight giving it a full hunter killer capability often reffered to as a 3rd generation Main Battle Tank. China is a licenced manufacturer of the 9M119M Refleks Anti-Tank Guided Missile. The Type 99A2 is capable of firing the Refleks through its main gun to a range of 5.5km and is guided via an ...
Type 99A 99A2 ZTZ99A - Army Recognition
2024年10月19日 · The Type 99A also called Type 99A2 or ZTZ-99A MBT (Main Battle Tank) is an improved version of the Type 99 MBT designed and manufactured in China by the local defense industry. The development of Type 99 started in 1999, and the tank entered service with the Chinese army in 2001.
ZTZ-99A2 (Type 99A2) Chinese Main Battle Tank (MBT)
The ZTZ-99A2 (Type 99A2) Chinese Main Battle Tank (MBT) builds further improvements into the Type 99A1 design. It has even greater protection against threats from the front and is thought to...
ZTZ99 Main Battle Tank - Army Technology
Type 99A2, the most advanced variant, is undergoing trials and will enter service after 2009. Significant improvements of Type 99A2 make it a new tank altogether. Some of the upgrades are an information terminal and aiming system. It also includes bigger turret with a bigger tail chamber and arrow-shaped armour.
99A2主战坦克 - 百度百科
中国解放军,正在根据其原有的基础型99坦克,研制一种更加具有强大威力的99A2型坦克。 该项目原计划命名为99G型坦克。 预计这种坦克在2008-2009之间投运。 它是由中国201所与中国北方工业公司 (兵器)联合研制开发,其发言人称:这是中国第三代主战坦克。 而201所所负责的诸多关键项目,该所负责人并没有进行更加详尽的阐述。 但是,99A2其主要车体设计采用了原有的99式坦克的形式,据悉其在打击,导航,夜间观测系统上,得到了很好的加强。 不但保持了原有 …
Type 99A2 Main Battle Tank - GlobalSecurity.org
Type 99A2 Main Battle Tank ZTZ-99 / WZ-123 / MBT-2000. A reported variant, referred to as the Type 99A2, was trialed at the end of 2007 showing additional ERA coverage on the...