Type 87 mortar - Wikipedia
The Type 87 82mm Mortar is a Chinese infantry mortar developed by Norinco in 1987. It is a replacement for the older Type 67 82mm mortar used at the battalion level. An 81 mm version called the W87 was also developed for export markets.
82mm PP87 - Weaponsystems.net
The PP87 is a late Cold War era medium mortar of Chinese origin. It was developed to replace the Type 53 and Type 67 82mm mortars in Chinese service. It is the first Chinese mortar in that is also available in NATO standard 81mm caliber. This mortar is widely used by Chinese forces.
PP87式82毫米迫击炮 - 百度百科
PP87式82毫米口径迫击炮1987年设计定型,1988年投入批量生产,用于取代67式82毫米迫击炮。 该型迫击炮是解放军陆军的制式装备,每个摩托化步兵营下辖的炮连装备6门该型迫击炮。
Type 87 (PP-87) Infantry-Level Mortar System - Military Factory
2023年8月10日 · The "Type 87" is a Chinese-originated 82mm caliber infantry-level mortar system intended for in-direct Line-of-Sight (LoS) engagement of enemy forces - typically in actions centered on dislodging or outright neutralizing foes through a targeted area-of-effect attack.
图解兵器:PP87式82mm迫击炮和钢珠杀伤榴弹 - 网易
2018年10月1日 · PP87式82mm迫击炮是我国于1987年研制定型,1988年投产的一种82mm迫击炮,取代上一代的67式82mm迫击炮。 这种迫击炮的外观特征就是使用了套筒式缓冲机。 迫击炮缓冲机是连接迫击炮炮架和炮管之间的弹性零件,击发时炮管可以相对炮架做一定的纵向运动,避免直接冲击炮架,也避免形成向上翻转的力矩使炮管跳起影响射击精度。 迫击炮缓冲机示意图,就是炮管和炮架之间一个带弹簧的管子. 没有缓冲机(a)时,迫击炮击发瞬间因为后坐力关系,炮管 …
The 87-type 82 mortar is the backbone of the PLA infantry …
6 天之前 · The Type 87 82mm mortar is a battalion-level fire support equipment. This type of mortar is mainly equipped with infantry battalion units, which is an important current infantry fire support equipment. The 87-type 82mm mortar is light in weight, and has stable performance in mountainous and jungle environments with more complex terrain.
轻兵器:超越:PP87式82mm迫击炮(下)-军事 - 读览天下
PP87式82mm迫击炮配有杀伤榴弹、杀伤燃烧弹、钢珠榴弹、钢珠杀伤爆燃弹、远程弹、发烟弹及照明弹等弹种。 这些炮弹的构造基本相同,本文主要介绍各弹种的不同之处。
PP87式82毫米迫击炮 - 搜狗百科
2024年10月22日 · PP87式82mm迫击炮属中口径迫击炮, 由我国自行设计制造,于1987 年设计 定型,1988 年投入批量生产,用于取代67式82mm 迫击炮。 PP87 式82mm 迫击炮在行军时主要用汽车装载,短途也可用人力背扛。
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
The ODIN provides information on the Chinese 82mm mortar, including its specifications and usage.
PP87式82毫米迫击炮-中国PP87式82毫米迫击炮图片性能技术参数 …
PP87式82mm迫击炮属中口径迫击炮, 由我国自行设计制造,于1987 年设计 定型,1988 年投入批量生产,用于取代67式82mm 迫击炮。 PP87 式82mm 迫击炮在行军时主要用汽车装载,短途也可用人力背扛。
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