The differences between counterintelligence, lifestyle, and full …
Polygraph types and the differences between them. For security clearance screening purposes two types of polygraph exams exist, and either one or both exams may be administered.
Polygraph - Wikipedia
There are two major types of countermeasures: "general state" (intending to alter the physiological or psychological state of the subject during the test), and "specific point" (intending to alter the physiological or psychological state of the subject at specific periods during the examination, either to increase or decrease responses during ...
The Different Types of Polygraph Examinations: A Breakdown of ...
2024年10月17日 · Each type of polygraph examination—evidentiary, investigative, and screening—serves a specific function, backed by APA standards that ensure accurate, ethical, and legally compliant results.
What You Need to Know Before Taking a Polygraph
2018年12月10日 · There are two types of polygraph examinations used in security clearance and employment screenings: counterintelligence and lifestyle. Counterintelligence covers questions of espionage, sabotage...
Security Clearance Polygraph FAQs | National Security Law
Are There Different Types of Polygraphs? Currently, the intelligence community utilizes two types of polygraphs: (1) a counterintelligence polygraph; and (2) a lifestyle polygraph.
Varieties of Polygraph Testing and Uses - Federation of American …
Three types of question techniques combining the four question types are described below: the relevant/irrelevant (R/I) technique, the control question technique (CQT), and concealed information techniques.
Things to Know About Passing a Polygraph Test | Military.com
2013年5月1日 · Some federal jobs require a polygraph, regardless of the clearance level required by the position. Two types of polygraph exams can be issued: counterintelligence and lifestyle....
Polygraphs Background Investigations - Polygraph Examinations
Polygraphs are instruments that measure physiological responses (respiration, pulse, blood pressure and galvanic resistance) to stress. Polygraphs are used to help determine an individual’s eligibility for a special assignment or access to specifically …
How to Prepare for a Security Clearance Polygraph Examination
2020年8月25日 · 2 Types of Polygraph Exams and What They Cover. Most screening exams are conducted in the Washington, D.C. area, but they can also be conducted in other locations. For security clearance and employment screening there are two types of exams—Counterintelligence (CI) and Lifestyle. A Full Scope exam includes both CI and Lifestyle questions.
Why Two Types of Polygraphs? An Insider Explains
2024年7月2日 · This next question allows for greater insight into why the government has two different types of polygraphs. Let’s take a look and see what the examiner has to say. Q: Counterintelligence (CI) Examination vs. Full Scope (FS) examination, why is there a difference? A: “That simply comes down to an organization or clearance type matter.