made a typing mistake or made a typo | WordReference Forums
2011年8月30日 · Do you mean that I made a typing mistkae is more common that I made a typo?
typo - WordReference Forums
2015年10月13日 · La respuesta corta para un typo es un error, ya sea ortográfico o tipográfico, lo más importante es ...
typo - WordReference Forums
2008年7月23日 · "Typo" is short for "typographical error". In other words, a mistake someone makes when typing, as xxAxx ...
tipear / error de tipeo | WordReference Forums
2012年11月25日 · Tipear también se usa por teclear y no lo hallo tan erróneo: tecleo por la tecla que pulsamos y tipeo por el tipo que cada tecla produce y que lleva representado en su parte superior.
typo vs typing error - WordReference Forums
2016年2月4日 · Typo is a clipping of typographical: in other words, it is associated with typography (arranging the type), not necessarily with typing. I agree, however, that these days, there isn't a lot of difference between them.
terminology - What to call a typographical error that is literally ...
2020年12月18日 · (Often used to indicate incorrect spacing, alignment, or type size more than anything else. But, in reality, using "spacing/alignment/size error" would be much more succinct.) I tend to lean more towards using "inconsistency" rather than "error" in such cases. It designates, at least to me, that there's a visual anomaly as opposed to an input ...
print design - Typo error on printed double sided flyer that client ...
2015年5月13日 · +1. Read Your Contract. If your contract states that final approval is on Client and Client is responsible for typos, it's not Designer's fault. Whether Designer chooses to eat the occasional typo to maintain a relationship is up to Designer and Designer's budget. –
There is a mistake <in/on> my name (misspelling)
2014年3月27日 · Hello, I would like to know If we need to say "Mistake on my name" or "Mistake in my name". Thanks!
A typographical error or a scribal error? | WordReference Forums
2010年11月29日 · A "handwriting error" would remove the "artistic" component and describe the incorrect formation of a character written by hand. The mechanical one is often called a typo, so I often think to myself about a write-o for this situation or a speak-o for a mispronunciation (or use of a wrong word) but these are not likely to catch on, let alone ...
Typographical errors vs. spelling errors - WordReference Forums
2010年3月26日 · In my book, only something that has been typed or typeset in some way can have typographical errors.