Superman #172 - The Tyrant Superman! (Issue) - Comic Vine
"The Tyrant Superman!" written by Edmond Hamilton, penciled by Curt Swan and inked by George Klein.
The Tyrant Superman (Comic Book) - TV Tropes
The Tyrant Superman is a three-part Superman story by Curt Swan (artist), Edmond Hamilton (writer), and George Klein (inker). It was published in Superman (1939) #172 (October, 1964). While covering a story at an observatory, Superman makes an unpleasant discovery. A potentially deadly comet is entering the solar system.
Superman Became A Dictator Long Before Injustice - Screen Rant
Sep 22, 2020 · Expanding from video game into an entire graphic novel series, Injustice tells the story of a tyrant Superman. Broken after the death of Lois Lane due to the machinations of the Joker, Superman sets himself up as dictator of Earth …
Superman: How DC's Strangest World Made the Hero a Tyrant
Nov 11, 2020 · The standalone Superman movie written by Ta-Nehisi Coates and produced by J.J. Abrams gets an update amid the anticipation for the DCU film.
Solaris (DC One Million) | DC Database | Fandom
Solaris was a sentient, artificial sun created in the 20th century and a recurring nemesis of Superman (who is known in the 853rd century as Superman Prime). When Superman-Prime retired from heroics and was succeeded by his heir Superman Secundus, Solaris tested this new Superman; in which it...
Solaris (DC Comics) - Wikipedia
Solaris (also known as Solaris the Tyrant Sun) is a DC Comics supervillain who exists in the distant future of the DC Universe. He was created by Grant Morrison , and first appeared in the 1998 event DC One Million .
Nightwing's Superman Page: Favorite Adventures
The Tyrant Superman! Superman is forced to step down and bequeath his "Champion of Earth" title to a replacement in Superman #172 (Oct. 1964), scripted by Edmond Hamilton and illustrated by Curt Swan and George Klein.
GCD :: Issue :: Superman #172 - Grand Comics Database
Short summary of how Perry White has helped Superman in 4 previous stories. Letters from Peter Molay, Robert P. Michelet, David Eames, Arthur L. Axelbank, Douglas Carpenter. Part III: The Struggle of the Two Supermen! (Table of Contents: 15)
Mark's Super Blog: The Tyrant Superman!
Jan 24, 2008 · After a competition of wits as well as brawn between two Kandorian candidates, Superman selects his last-resort replacement, a fellow named Ar-Val. The unthinkable happens! Superman averts the meteor, but it robs him of his powers. He struggles to Earth and his Fortress with just enough strength to summon Ar-val, ho now becomes … the new ...
Superman #172 Tyrant Superman Curt Swan! DC Comics 1964
Superman #172 Tyrant Superman Curt Swan! Publication DateOctober 1964. PublisherDC Comics. All Single Comics are bagged and boarded with NEW bags and boards!