STM tip holder for Tyto | SPECS - SPECSGROUP
STM tip adapted to our Tyto SPM setup made from Tungsten wire. The tip apex is formed by means of electrochemical etching. Dedicated for UHV measurements.
KolibriSensor | SPECS - SPECSGROUP
This Kolibri Sensor is our AFM sensor adapted for the Tyto UHV scanning probe microscope setup which allows atomic force measurements by means of the closed loop feedback of a …
Jörg RYCHEN | Scientist | PhD | ETH Zurich, Zürich - ResearchGate
Leading the product development for Scanning Probe Microscopy at SPECS. We extended the product range with the Joule-Thomson Low Temperature Scanning Probe Microscope (JT …
Tyto Athene | Perspective is Power
With over 60 years of experience providing mission-focused digital transformation, our team of experts connect people with technologies to seamlessly integrate and modernize enterprise …
SPECS - pra-ma.com
SPECS Surface Nano Analysis GmbH as a leading manufacturer produces innovative components and customized systems for surface spectroscopy and microscopy. The …
Offset Pincer for JT-SPM V4 - for Dual Shaft Wobblestick - Ferrovac
The PGWMSJTAFM4 was custom made for fetching and swapping both the sensors as well as sample plates of a Specs Tyto TM Precision SPM Head. It was designed with easy handling in …
SPECS Surface Nano Analysis, Mansfield MA, USA
Main analysis components are the hemispherical energy analyzer family PHOIBOS, the time-of-flight spectrometer THEMIS, the ultimate stability Aarhus SPM family, the ultimate low …
德国美天旎MACSQuant® Tyto® 流式细胞分选仪MACSQuant® Tyto…
MACSQuant® Tyto®流式分选仪是德国美天旎公司推出的新一代微芯片控制智能流式分选设备,通过一次性、全封闭的MACSQuant Tyto Cartridge确保样品无菌,具备高细胞活性和生物安全 …
Pincers and Grippers - Ferrovac
Customized pincer for Specs / Unisoku Joule-Thompson SPM respectively the Specs Tyto TM Precision SPM Head. For direct gripping of 2"... 6" wafers, this pincer design features …
公司产品包括大气、室温超高真空、低温( 4.3K)超高真空、极低温(0.4K)超高真空及(矢量)强磁场条件下的各类SPM,如扫描隧道显微镜(Scanning Tunneling Microscope,STM) …