Tzrek-jad - Completed Website Corrections - Forum.Tip.It
2011年9月22日 · Tzrek-jad Tzrek-jad. By Stev, September 22, 2011 in Completed Website Corrections. Share More sharing ...
TzRek Jad - Help and Advice - Forum.Tip.It
TzRek Jad. By Anon523 August 6, 2011 in Help and Advice. Share More sharing options... Followers 0. ...
Soul Wars clan/advice - Help and Advice - Forum.Tip.It
2012年3月5日 · I need 100 zeals for TzRek-Jad. Anyone know a group or clan that can help me get zeals without wasting my time? I've been a loyal member of Heart Unit, and even though i've been inactive when i got what i needed, i always went to HU when i needed more. So is there a clan like HU for Soul Wars?
Soul Wars as a mean to obtain pets is bad. - Rants - Forum.Tip.It
2012年3月5日 · NOTE: Before reading, i find Soul wars fun. why in the world do you have to play Soul Wars to get pets? It's a bad minigame for people to obtain pets.
28-Feb-2012 - Squeal of Fortune - General Discussion - Forum.Tip.It
2012年2月28日 · TzRek Jad's name when in the players inventory is now correctly capitalised. Metal claws on the Smithing Skill Guide now display the correct level required to smith them. In real life MMO you don't get 99 smithing by making endless bronze daggers.
Behind the Scenes - August - General Discussion - Forum.Tip.It
01-Aug-2011 - Behind the Scenes - August ----- August brings a wealth of updates to the sunny shores of RuneScape, although, for many characters involved in updates this month, sun is the last thing the.... Remember me Not recommended on shared computers
23-Aug-2011 New Rewards for Minigames - forum.tip.it
23-Aug-2011 – New Rewards for Minigames We’ve added a veritable bounty of high-level rewards to our minigames, including armour sets to boost Thieving and Runecrafting XP gain, macabre customisation options for dark magic users and an infernally adorable pet Jad.
Prayer Switching Guide for TzTok-Jad - Forum.Tip.It
2008年1月4日 · SirHemen's Updated Prayer Switching Guide for TzTok-Jad Note: This guide is not a Fight Cave guide, but a prayer switching guide that helps you practicing switching prayers in order to kill TzTok-Jad - the level 702 boss. For a Fight Cave minigame Guide click here. Welcome to my prayer switching ...
Ruby Bolts (e) against TzTok-Jad - Help and Advice - Forum.Tip.It
2007年8月14日 · If you use Ruby Bolts, against TzTok-Jad, does the special (Take 10% of your hitpoints, and 20% of your opponent's off) work? Has anyone tried this? It could be really useful to anyone trying to get a Fire Cape. I was just wondering since i may try getting a Fire Cape soon.
TzTok-Jad stronger? 96+ hits? - General Discussion - Forum.Tip.It
2006年6月23日 · After a couple of hours I went back again, determined to kill Jad. This time I took some saradomin brews. Many guides recommends taking a dose of the brew to get your hitpoints above 90 so Jad cannot one hit you. I have never ever tased a saradomin brew before :lol: . First time I did was on today's second attempt, on the 62nd wave, just before ...