German submarine U-3523 - Wikipedia
German submarine U-3523 was a Type XXI U-boat (one of the "Elektroboote") of Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine, built for service in World War II. She was ordered on 6 November 1943, and was laid down on 7 October 1944 at F Schichau GmbH, Danzig, as yard number 1668.
Wreck of Nazi Germany’s Most Advanced U-Boat Discovered
2018年4月24日 · As George Dvorsky at Gizmodo reports, U-3523 was a type XXI U-boat, the Third Reich’s most advanced long-range submarine. Some researchers have speculated that the wreck could have been used to...
U 3523 – Wikipedia
U 3523 war ein deutsches U-Boot vom Typ XXI, das von der Kriegsmarine in der Ostsee eingesetzt wurde. Es wurde am 6. Mai 1945, einen Tag nach der Teilkapitulation im Norden des Deutschen Reichs von Bombern der Royal Air Force im Skagerrak versenkt, wobei die U-Bootbesatzung getötet wurde.
The Type XXI U-boat U-3523 - German U-boats of WWII - uboat…
5 May 1945 The target of the attack by a British Liberator bomber (RAF 206/T) on 5 May 1945 in position 56.59N, 11.48E, formerly credited with the sinking of U-534, was in fact U-3523, which was severely damaged. 1 recorded attack on this boat.
Missing German Nazi submarine U-boat U-3523 mystery solved…
2018年4月19日 · The Sea War Museum Jutland, in northern Denmark, says researchers found the German U-boat U-3523 on the seafloor just north of the country earlier this month. The submarine was sunk on May 6,...
Nazi Germany's Most High-Tech Submarine Has Been Found …
2018年4月19日 · Two days before the Allied forces declared victory over Nazi Germany at the end of World War II, a high-tech German submarine set out from Denmark on a mysterious mission. The sub was a brand-new...
海上消失73年! 希特勒「逃跑搭的潛艇U-3523」找到了 | ETtoday …
2018年4月26日 · 外媒報導,丹麥日德蘭海洋戰爭博物館(Sea War Museum Jutland)13日於丹麥最北端城市斯卡恩(Skagen)以北10海浬處發現德國U型潛艦「U-3523」的殘骸。 「U-3523」為德國XXI級U型潛艦之一,被譽為是當時最先進的納粹潛艇,德國當初一共製造118艘,但僅有兩艘投入使用,其絕佳的長程航行特性,堪稱能從歐洲一路航行到南美洲。...
“希特勒潜艇”现身丹麦 传纳粹德国高官曾坐它逃跑,内或藏有大量 …
2018年4月19日 · 4月16日据【参考消息】报道,丹麦TV2电视台报称第三帝国将领乘坐逃跑的德国U-3523潜艇在斯卡格拉克海峡海底被发现。 此外,据俄罗斯卫星通讯社报道,发现潜艇的是日德兰半岛海洋军事博物馆的工作人员。 有一种说法是,1945年5月6日,U-3523潜艇被英国B-24“解放者”轰炸机击沉,但一直没有找到残骸。 所以有人认为,纳粹德国领导层乘U-3523潜艇逃跑了。 博物馆表示,潜艇位于水下123米深处,就在1945年英国空军宣称击沉它的地点附近。 博物馆馆 …
German submarine U-3523 - Military Wiki
German submarine U-3523 was a Type XXI U-boat (one of the "Elektroboote") of Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine, built for service in World War II. She was ordered on 6 November 1943, and was laid down on 7 October 1944 at F Schichau GmbH, Danzig, as yard number 1668.
Wreck of Rare Advanced German U-Boat Found Off Denmark.
2018年4月13日 · They have identified the wreckage of one of the most technologically advanced German submarines of World War II, the U-3523. The submarine was found with its bow buried in the mud and its stern rising from the seafloor in 123 …