German submarine U-402 - Wikipedia
German submarine U-402 was a Type VIIC U-boat built for Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine for service during World War II. She was laid down at the Danziger Werft in the city of the same name on 22 April 1940 as yard number 103, launched on 28 December 1940 [1] and was commissioned on 21 May 1941, with Kapitänleutnant Siegfried Freiherr von Forstner ...
The Type VIIC U-boat U-402 - German U-boats of WWII - uboat.net
Sunk on 13 October 1943 in the North Atlantic north of the Azores, in position 48.56N, 29.41W, by a Fido homing torpedo from two Avenger aircraft (VC-9 USN/T-9 & T-12) of the American escort carrier USS Card. 50 dead (all hands lost).
U 402 – Wikipedia
U 402 war ein deutsches Unterseeboot des Typs VII C, das im U-Boot-Krieg des Zweiten Weltkriegs durch die deutsche Kriegsmarine im West- und Nordatlantik eingesetzt wurde. Die Danziger Werft AG lieferte während des Zweiten Weltkrieges insgesamt 42 U-Boote vom Typ VII C und VII C/41 an die Kriegsmarine aus.
German submarine U-402 | Military Wiki | Fandom
German submarine U-402 was a Type VIIC U-boat built for the Nazi German Kriegsmarine for service during World War II. She was laid down at the Danziger Werft in the city of the same name on 22 April 1940 as 'werk' 103, launched on 28 December 1940 and was commissioned on 21 May 1941, with...
U 402 – U-Boot-Archiv Wiki
U 402, unter Kapitänleutnant Siegfried Freiherr von Forstner, lief am 26.10.1941 von Kiel aus. Nach dem Marsch über die Ostsee, Geleitwechsel in Kristiansand und warten auf Auslaufgeleit in Egersund, operierte das Boot im Nordatlantik, der Dänemark Straße und südöstlich von Island.
狼与鹰的较量,德国王牌U-402沉没记 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
U-402是VIIC级潜艇的一员,性能中规中矩的VIIC型是德军潜艇部队的绝对中坚。 它的水面排水量为770吨,水下排水量是870吨,水面航速18节,水下航速7.5节,船艏有4具船尾有1具共5具533毫米鱼雷发射管,此外甲板还有一门88炮。 1941年10月,U-402开始自己的第一次巡航任务,不过在大西洋上游荡了40多天后一无所获。 在12月,U-401前往法国 圣纳泽尔 港口停泊(之前文章中提到了英国人迫切想要摧毁的港口,因为其还可以给提尔皮茨号提供补给)。 1942年1月,U …
Siegfried von Forstner - Wikipedia
Korvettenkapitän Siegfried Freiherr von Forstner (19 September 1910 – 13 October 1943) was a German U-boat commander during World War II. He was also a recipient of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross. He and his entire crew of U-402 were killed in action on 13 October 1943.
【U-402】巡航凯尔特外海。很危险的一次任务。潜艇选择:U-402,1941年1月1日开局。潜艇类型:VIIC/41型舰队:第五U型潜艇舰队母港:拉罗切尔港艇长:克劳斯•拉尔夫, 视频播放量 228、弹幕量 0、点赞数 18、投硬币枚数 6、收藏人数 1、转发人数 0, 视频作者 幸运的艇长, 作者简介 带你重回波澜壮阔的年代,去亲身感受武神的召唤! ,相关视频:【U-375】参加南部航线巡逻。 ,【U-402】巡航南部大西洋区域。 ——2,【U-200】巡航圣乔治海峡。 【2】,【U-96】 …
U-boat Archive - U-402
U-402, taken from LCDR Avery's TBFduring his first pass. LCDR Avery believed U-402 was submerging and intended to drop his MK-24 torpedo but the boat remained on the surface. It was too late to break of the pass so LCDR Avery strafed the conning tower with his .50 cal. wing guns.
U402官兵违背NZ思想,救助塞西拉号幸存者 - 百度贴吧
5月1日,“塞西拉”号巡逻艇在恐怖角(Cape Fear,北卡罗来纳州)以东水域遭到U-402的跟踪。 在水面跟随2小时后潜艇下潜并发射3枚鱼雷,其中一枚命中了这艘602t的小艇,将其炸为两截。
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