German submarine U-402 - Wikipedia
German submarine U-402 was a Type VIIC U-boat built for Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine for service during World War II. She was laid down at the Danziger Werft in the city of the same …
The Type VIIC U-boat U-402 - German U-boats of WWII - uboat.net
Sunk on 13 October 1943 in the North Atlantic north of the Azores, in position 48.56N, 29.41W, by a Fido homing torpedo from two Avenger aircraft (VC-9 USN/T-9 & T-12) of the American …
U 402 – Wikipedia
U 402 war ein deutsches Unterseeboot des Typs VII C, das im U-Boot-Krieg des Zweiten Weltkriegs durch die deutsche Kriegsmarine im West- und Nordatlantik eingesetzt wurde. Die …
German submarine U-402 | Military Wiki | Fandom
German submarine U-402 was a Type VIIC U-boat built for the Nazi German Kriegsmarine for service during World War II. She was laid down at the Danziger Werft in the city of the same …
U 402 – U-Boot-Archiv Wiki
U 402, unter Kapitänleutnant Siegfried Freiherr von Forstner, lief am 26.10.1941 von Kiel aus. Nach dem Marsch über die Ostsee, Geleitwechsel in Kristiansand und warten auf …
狼与鹰的较量,德国王牌U-402沉没记 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
U-402是VIIC级潜艇的一员,性能中规中矩的VIIC型是德军潜艇部队的绝对中坚。 它的水面排水量为770吨,水下排水量是870吨,水面航速18节,水下航速7.5节,船艏有4具船尾有1具共5 …
Siegfried von Forstner - Wikipedia
Korvettenkapitän Siegfried Freiherr von Forstner (19 September 1910 – 13 October 1943) was a German U-boat commander during World War II. He was also a recipient of the Knight's Cross …
【U-402】巡航凯尔特外海。很危险的一次任务。潜艇选择:U-402,1941年1月1日开局。潜艇类型:VIIC/41型舰队:第五U型潜艇舰队母港:拉罗切尔港艇长:克劳斯•拉尔夫, 视频播放量 …
U-boat Archive - U-402
U-402, taken from LCDR Avery's TBFduring his first pass. LCDR Avery believed U-402 was submerging and intended to drop his MK-24 torpedo but the boat remained on the surface. It …
U402官兵违背NZ思想,救助塞西拉号幸存者 - 百度贴吧
5月1日,“塞西拉”号巡逻艇在恐怖角(Cape Fear,北卡罗来纳州)以东水域遭到U-402的跟踪。 在水面跟随2小时后潜艇下潜并发射3枚鱼雷,其中一枚命中了这艘602t的小艇,将其炸为两截。
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