U-47700 - Wikipedia
U-47700, also known as U4, pink heroin, pinky, and pink, is an opioid analgesic drug developed by a team at Upjohn in the 1970s [1] which has around 7.5 times the potency of morphine in animal models. [2][3][4]
U-47700 (Pink) Drug: Effects, Hazards & Warnings - Drugs.com
U-47700, also known as “Pink”, "Pinky", or “U4” on the streets, is a potent, synthetic opioid medication developed as a dangerous designer drug. Even small doses can be very toxic or even deadly. Reports have surfaced of multiple deaths due to street use of U-47700 or "Pink".
U-47700 - PsychonautWiki
U-47700 is an atypical opioid of the benzamide class. It features core phenyl ring with two chlorine atoms at carbons R 3 and R 4. This ring is connected to an amine group through a carbonyl group (C=O). The terminal nitrogen atom of the amide group is bonded to a methyl carbon and substituted cyclohexane ring.
2017年6月20日 · 国家禁毒办昨天(19日)上午举行新闻发布会,宣布将U-47700等四种物质列入非药用类麻醉药品和精神药品管制品种增补目录,目前我国列管的“新精神活性物质”已达138种。 今年3月发布的《2016年中国毒品形势报告》指出,在全国现有的250.5万名吸毒人员中,合成毒品滥用规模居首位、新精神活性物质国内滥用增多,毒品滥用结构发生根本变化。 “新精神活性物质”在中国已经存在滥用人群,主要是在娱乐场所滥用。 那么,“新精神活性物质”和传统毒品相 …
U-47700 - Drugs-Forum
2016年10月13日 · U-47700 is an extremely potent, highly selective µ-opioid receptor agonist. U-47700 exhibits an affinity 7.5x as potent as Morphine [3] [4], however anecdotal reports suggest that is only true for the analgesic effects. Regarding the recreational effects U-47700 is estimated to be 2-3x as potent as Morphine.
U-47700 and Its Analogs: Non-Fentanyl Synthetic Opioids …
The evidence demonstrates that U-47700 is a potent μ-opioid receptor agonist, which poses a serious risk for overdosing and death. However, most analogs of U-47700 appear to be less potent and have been detected infrequently in forensic specimens.
DEA Schedules Deadly Synthetic Drug U-47700 - DEA.gov
2016年11月10日 · WASHINGTON - Responding to the imminent threat to public health and safety, the U.S. Drug Enforcement (DEA) has placed U-47700 into Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act, effective on November 14th.
U-47700 - Get Smart About Drugs
2025年1月3日 · U-47700, nicknamed “U4,” “pink,” or “pinky,” is a highly potent synthetic opioid that looks like a white or light pink powder. A lot of times, it is often either sold in baggies or pressed into pills to look like legal painkillers. Abuse of this drug is similar to heroin, and prescription and designer opioids. How is it used?
U-47700. An old opioid becomes a recent danger - Springer
2016年11月24日 · U-47700 is a synthetic opioid analgesic and a potent, short acting structural isomer of the earlier opioid AH-7921 that has recently invaded the drug arena in Europe and the Unites States. Although the drug was synthesized and patented in the 1970s, it was first identified in October 2014, as a powder sample that was seized by Swedish Customs.
U-47700: An Emerging Threat - PMC - PubMed Central (PMC)
Herein, we present an overview of the rise of a synthetic opioid known as U-47700. We describe U-47700's history, legal status, ease of obtainment, consequences of its use, and a proposal to increase the awareness of this synthetic opioid.