German submarine U-515 - Wikipedia
German submarine U-515 was a Type IXC U-boat of Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine built for service during World War II. She was commissioned on 21 February 1942 and sunk on 9 April 1944. U-515 completed seven operational patrols and sank 23 ships, badly damaged two ships which later sank, and damaged two additional ships.
The Type IXC U-boat U-515 - German U-boats of WWII - uboat.net
German U-boat U-515 was depth charged to the west of the Azores, in position 37°10N, 40°21W, by the US destroyer USS Champlin. The U-boat was not damaged. (Sources: Axel Niestlé) After having tracked merged convoys OS 54 and KMS 25 for the whole day, Henke closed in to attack but was sighted and had to dive.
U 515 – Wikipedia
U 515 war ein deutsches U-Boot der Kriegsmarine vom Typ IX C, welches im Zweiten Weltkrieg im Atlantik eingesetzt wurde. Auf seinen sechs Unternehmungen versenkte es 23 Schiffe und beschädigte vier Schiffe, davon zwei schwer, wodurch 1145 Menschen starben. Allein 655 Tote gab es bei der Versenkung des britischen Passagierschiffes Ceramic in ...
Werner Henke - Wikipedia
Werner Henke (13 May 1909 – 15 June 1944) was the commander of German submarine U-515 in the Battle of the Atlantic of World War II. U-515 was sunk by the US task group 22.3, commanded by Daniel V. Gallery on 9 April 1944 and Henke was captured along with about 40 of …
Heikendorf (Möltenort), Kreis Plön, Schleswig-Holstein
U 515 wurde am Abend des 8. April 1944 von einem Flugzeug des US-Trägers "Guadalcanal" gesichtet und angegriffen. Das U-Boot mußte tauchen, kam aber bald wieder an die Oberfläche, weil die Batterien nicht voll aufgeladen waren. Am 9. April gingen die Angriffe weiter, wobei U 515 schwer beschädigt
1944: April 9: Sinking of German U-boat, U-515 - NHHC
On April 9, 1944, off Madiera Island, Portugal, rockets fired by TBM "Avenger" and FM "Wildcat" aircraft from Composite Squadron Fifty Eight (VC-58), along with depth charges from USS Pope...
U 515 – U-Boot-Archiv Wiki
U 515 wurde am 09.04.1944 im Mittelatlantik nördlich der Insel Madeira durch Wasserbomben von mehreren Grumman TBF Avenger und Grumman F4F Wildcat der Squadron VC-58 des US-Geleitflugzeugträgers USS Guadalcanal (CVE-60) (Capt. Daniel-Vincent Gallery) sowie den US-Geleitzerstörern USS Pope (DE-134) (Lt. Edwin-Harvey Headland), USS Pillsbury ...
German submarine U-515 - Wikiwand articles
German submarine U-515 was a Type IXC U-boat of Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine built for service during World War II. She was commissioned on 21 February 1942 and ...
U-515 - Interrogation Report - U-boat Archive
2014年11月26日 · U-515, commanded by one of Germany’s U-boat aces, Kapitänleutnant Werner Henke, was sunk at 1512 GCT 9 April 1944 at 34.31 N - 19.29 W. She belonged to the series of 750-ton boats numbered U-501 - U-550 built at Deutsche Werft, Finkenwerder, Hamburg. (O.N.I. Note: Of this series of U-boats, 26 are known sunk as of mid May 1944.)
Ships hit by U-515 - U-boat Successes - German U-boats
U-515 sank or damaged 27 Allied ships. Our map markers only have 26 labels (A-Z) at this time. This is why some of the markers have no label but otherwise work just fine. The markers are sorted by date, the first 26 successes have labels. This only affects about 20 of the most successful U-boats.