German submarine U-559 - Wikipedia
German submarine U-559 was a Type VIIC U-boat built for Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine for service during World War II. Laid down on 1 February 1940 at the Blohm & Voss shipyards in Hamburg as "Baunummer 535" ("Yard number 535"), she was launched on 8 January 1941 and commissioned on 27 February under Kapitänleutnant Hans Heidtmann .
The Type VIIC U-boat U-559 - German U-boats of WWII - uboat.net
U-559 operated with the following Wolfpacks during its career: Goeben (20 Sep 1941 - 5 Oct 1941) General notes on this boat. 30 Oct 1942. The sinking boat was boarded by three men from HMS Petard who had swum over to her.
U 559 – Wikipedia
U 559 war ein U-Boot vom Typ VII C, welches im Zweiten Weltkrieg von der deutschen Kriegsmarine eingesetzt wurde. Es versenkte 5 Handelsschiffe mit 12.871 BRT und 1 Kriegsschiff mit 1060 t, wobei mehrere hundert Menschen starben. Das Boot wurde am 30.
1224. 勇夺密码:U-559号潜艇的故事 - 凤凰网
2024年4月22日 · 本文将描述一场发生在地中海的搏斗。 1942年10月30日黎明之前,在埃及塞得港外东北方向巴勒斯坦海岸外,德国潜艇U559号在清晨的黑暗中浮出水面。 作为最早进入地中海的德国潜艇之一,U559号堪称老兵。 但是自8月中下旬出海以来,艇上机械设备多有损耗,暂时无法胜任激烈战斗。 所以才被打发到这么一个偏僻的地方,看看能不能从不远处的苏伊士运河那里捞点油水。 也正因为如此,U559现在是整个东地中海唯一的德国潜艇。 如果遇到任何危险,都 …
German submarine U-559 - Military Wiki
German submarine U-559 was a Type VIIC U-boat built for the Nazi German Kriegsmarine for service during World War II. Laid down on 1 February 1940 at the Blohm & Voss shipyards in Hamburg as "Baunummer 535" ("Yard number 535"), she was launched on 8 January 1941 and commissioned on 27 February...
NOVA Online | Hitler's Lost Sub | Map of Lost U-Boats - PBS
U-559 U-boat from which codebooks and valuable cryptographic materials were recovered before sinking, facilitating, in late 1942, the second major Allied breakthrough in reading German U-boat...
进退失据的困局:地中海战场上的德国潜艇 - 知乎
8月11日,船队行驶至阿尔及尔以北约150千米处时,遭遇了正在附近游弋的德国潜艇U-73。U-73瞄准鹰号航空母舰发射了4枚鱼雷,全部命中,航母在4分钟内迅速沉没。 当天,U-73艇长赫尔穆特·罗森鲍姆上尉(Helmut Rosenbaum)向上级发送了一份电报,简单汇报了战场的情况:
密码争夺战:U-559号潜艇的传奇故事 - 百家号
当U559号潜艇在巴勒斯坦海岸外悄然浮出水面时,一架英国配备机载雷达的“桑德兰”飞机捕捉到了它的踪迹。 然而,雷达信号模糊不清,飞行员只能谨慎地报告“可能与潜艇接触”,并在空中等待水面舰艇的支援。 直至中午,5艘英国驱逐舰才匆匆赶至事发海域,但声纳搜索未能发现目标。 幸运的是,一架空军的“韦尔斯利”轰炸机在远处发现了伸出海面的潜望镜,指引英国驱逐舰定位了德国潜艇的具体位置。 接下来,一场长达10小时的激烈战斗展开了。 英国人发动了19次深水炸弹 …
Submarine U-559 | World War II Database - ww2db.com
As 1942 drew to a close a German U-boat, the U-559, was spotted and depth charged off the coast of Palestine by HMS Petard and forced to the surface. The U-boat’s crew realising that their boat was rapidly sinking decided that they must abandon ship.
The Pinch from U-559 - Ellsbury
Petard 's searchlights stabbed through the night and picked out the U-boat's conning tower which had a white donkey emblem and the numerals U-559 painted on it. The conning tower was soon struck by a shell from one of Petard 's 4" guns causing the U-boat's crew to abandon ship.