All Bras – ubras
ubras bras give you 24/7 comfort and fit your body like second skin. Completely wireless & high elastic for comfort that you will feel like wearing nothing, perfect for anywhere and anytime.
Amazon.com: U Bra
One Smooth U Wireless Bra, Seamless No-Bulge Shapewear Bra, Pullover Bralette with No-Roll Underband and No-Dig Straps
ubras 开创保暖新品类无尺码“肌底衣”,引爆暖美热潮. ubras 荣获 2020 天猫超级新秀品牌,完成由红杉资本领投的数亿 B+ 轮融资. 天猫618狂欢节,销售同比增长500%,爆款单品无尺码文胸,行业排名TOP1. Copyright ©2016-2021 Ubras INC. 彼悦 (北京)科技有限公司.
ubras - 百度百科
ubras开创无尺码内衣,颠覆行业传统尺码划分,创新研发智弹科技面料,弹性拉伸,包容不同身材。 至今已累计销售超5000W件,平均每分钟售出15件。 并完成「第七代」无尺码的迭代 。 [24] 以软性支撑科技代替传统钢圈,并完成「第四代」 软支撑的迭代与发布。 应对通勤、出行、聚会 …
New – ubras
It's time to upgrade your wardrobe! Shop the NEW COLLECTION! Add to cart: Basic Seamless Lace-Trimmed Boxer Brief – $9 with BRIEF9 when you buy matching Basic Seamless Lace bra!
24H Comfort Bras – ubras
Give you 24/7 comfort and fit your body like second skin. Start the comfort and confident journey with us!
BodyFormHK 無鋼圈美胸內衣 是您穿過最舒服的內衣
上網買內衣,不能試穿怕不合身? U+BRA 於亞洲地區銷售達180萬件, 滿意度高達九成! 免費退款或更換尺碼! 收到產品後,無論任何原因,都可以 安排免費退款或更換尺碼。 如何選 …
Simply U Bra - Black - Fashion Nova
Our Simply U Bra in Black features a U-shaped wire that goes below your breastbone, lightly padded cups with slit inserts for additional lift, adjustable straps and an easy-access hook & eye closure in the back.
One Smooth U Smoothing & Concealing Underwire Bra
Everything about this sleek underwire bra is designed to minimize bulge while maximizing comfort in a silky-smooth design. The supportive underwire silhouette offers petal-shaped panels that smooth and conceal as they shape. Careful construction provides the full …
ubras为乳腺癌术后女性成立首条正式产品线「ubras care」,用真实行动关爱乳腺癌患者同时成立专项公益基金,积极推动女性乳腺癌防治,提升社会对乳腺癌公众议题的关注。 ubras完成第一次全面品牌升级,正式提出「让身体先自由」的品牌主张,并通过相应的品牌传播行动引发更多女性的共鸣。 ubras开创无尺码内衣,颠覆行业传统尺码划分,创新研发智弹科技面料,弹性拉伸,包容不同身材,舒适到飞起。 至今已累计销售超5000W件,平均每分钟售出15件。 并完成「第七 …