U (Cyrillic) - Wikipedia
U (У у; italics: У у) is a letter of the Cyrillic script. It commonly represents the close back rounded vowel /u/ , somewhat like the pronunciation of oo in "b oo t" or "r u le". The forms of the Cyrillic …
List of Cyrillic letters - Wikipedia
This is a list of letters of the Cyrillic script. The definition of a Cyrillic letter for this list is a character encoded in the Unicode standard that a has script property of 'Cyrillic' and the general …
西里尔字母 - 百度百科
西里尔字母(俄文:Кириллица,英文:Cyrillic)源于希腊字母,普遍认为是由基督教传教士西里尔(827年–869年)在9世纪为了方便在斯拉夫民族传播东正教所创立的,被斯拉夫民族广泛 …
西里尔字母 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
西里尔字母[註 1] (英語: Cyrillic script),也称 基里尔字母[註 2],指的是一種是廣泛通行於 斯拉夫语族 和前蘇聯疆域之內的字母,亦是除了拉丁字母和 阿拉伯字母 之後,世界母語人口第 …
U (Cyrillic) - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
U (У, у) is the eighteenth letter in the Cyrillic alphabet. It sounds like it comes from the Greek letter upsilon and stands for the Roman letter U.
Short U (Cyrillic) - Wikipedia
Short U (Ў ў; italics: Ў ў) or U with breve is a letter of the Cyrillic script. The only Slavic language using the letter in its orthography is Belarusian, but it is also used as a phonetic symbol in …
U (Cyrillic) - Wikiwand
U is the eighteenth letter in the Cyrillic alphabet. It sounds like it comes from the Greek letter upsilon and stands for the Roman letter U.
U (Cyrillic)
U (У у; italics: У у) is a letter of the Cyrillic script. It commonly represents the close back rounded vowel /u/ , somewhat like the pronunciation of oo in "b oo t". The forms of the Cyrillic letter U …
Russian Alphabet Table with Sound – RusslandJournal.de English
The Russian alphabet consists of 33 letters: 10 vowels (а, е, ё, и, о, у, ы, э, ю, я), 21 consonants and 2 signs (hard and soft) that are not pronounced. The Russian alphabet uses the Cyrillic …
About: U (Cyrillic) - DBpedia Association
U (У у; italics: У у) is a letter of the Cyrillic script. It commonly represents the close back rounded vowel /u/, somewhat like the pronunciation of oo in "boot" or rule. The forms of the Cyrillic …