Urban Dictionary: Got beef
2014年12月5日 · used to ask if someone has an issue with you, as if to say "is there a problem here?" use only when dealing with complete noobs. Get the got beef? mug. got beef? Are you trying to provoke me as to me get into a an act of violent physicality with you? "yo, guy you got beef?, HUH? U GOT BEEF???" Get the got beef? mug.
U Got Beef? - Slang Meaning and Examples - FastSlang
The slang term "U Got Beef?" is a confrontational question that is often used to ask someone if they have a problem with another person. It is usually asked in a challenging and aggressive manner, implying that the person being questioned has some sort of issue or conflict with the person asking the question.
"You got beef? "是什么意思? -关于英语 (美国)(英文) | HiNative
this phrase is used to ask if someone has a problem (with you), usually said as a threat and asked in an intimidating manor. can be used to initiate a fight. to have beef with someone = to have a problem with someone if you ask "you got beef" it means do …
还以为beef只是“牛肉”的意思? - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
当然,have a beef with someone 这个口语表达的就是:"与某人吵架,起争执,发生矛盾"。 这里的beef=complaint(抱怨牢骚)=beef about一起看个例句: He has a beef with anyone? 他有没有跟谁抢利益? She has a beef with any of your classmates? 她和你们的同学有矛盾吗?
【學英文】You got beef不是「你有牛肉」 學懂10句常被誤解句子
2021年3月8日 · 於美國長大的華裔英語達人「Mr Yang楊家成」不時都會在YouTube頻道教.
What is the meaning of "You got beef? "? - Question about
2019年8月1日 · Definition of You got beef? there are many different origin stories for it. one is that The phrase “I have a beef with you” originated in the old west among sheep farmers who were competing for grazing land with cattle farmers.
Urban Dictionary: u got beef?
2006年7月17日 · Get the u got beef? mug. A phrase asking if someone has a problem with you, what you're doing or what you like, usually said as a threat.
rap里德Beef 是problem的意思, 最近的美国片里常有这句话 U got beef with me? 其实就是 U got problem?的意思 差不多就是挑衅的时候用的 不知道为什么要用Beef 但肯定是这个意思
have a beef with sb.不是“和某人吃牛排”,万一搞错,老外尴尬死 …
2020年8月19日 · 《绝望主妇》中有一句: what's your beef here? 这里的beef跟上面的差不多,也是指“不满”,意思就是问: 你在抱怨点儿啥?你到底有啥不满意的? 是不是突然get到了一句吵架万能金句? 0 3. Where's the beef? 问的不是牛肉,而是... where-is-the-beef 意思是:
Slang Define: What is U Got Beef?? - meaning and definition
What is U Got Beef?? 1. A phrase asking if someone has a problem with you, what you're doing or what you like, usually said as a threat. Some guy: "System of a down sucks!" Some guy who likes system of a down: "u got beef?" See beef, threat, problem, fight, diss. 2. when a person wants to kick some arse. u got beef? U Got Beef? - 1.