U WOT M8 - Know Your Meme
"U WOT M8" is a shorthand for "You what, mate?" which is a colloquialism used by English speakers in the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. It is typically used in response to an incoherent proposition put forth by someone else, along the similar lines of "what did you just say?" or wat or what is this.
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OT型系列裸压端子技术规格说明书(B) - 百度文库
f裸压端子经与导线压接与接线柱压紧接合后, 适用于通讯设备及 类似电子设备,供线路连接用。 1. 使用条件: 1.1 温度范围:-50~+125℃; 1.2 相对湿度:+40℃时达 93%。 2. 型式、尺寸: 2.1 3. 型式结构、外形尺寸见图(符合 JB2436-78 标准) 。 50mΩ (符合 GB/T10125-1997、GB/T 5095-1997)。 4. 注意事项: 4.1 装有产品的纸箱允许用任何方法运输,唯需避免雨雪直. 及其它有害的气体;环境温度应为-10℃~+40℃,相对湿度不 大于 80%。
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OT圆形裸端头O型紫铜焊口冷压端子OT1-3/4/5/6/8/10/12 OT1.5 …
ot圆形裸端头o型紫铜焊口冷压端子ot1-3/4/5/6/8/10/12 ot1.5 2.5 0t2.5-10紫铜(2.5平方/m10/图片、价格、品牌样样齐全! 【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!
Where did "U Wot M8?" Come from? : r/OutOfTheLoop - Reddit
2013年11月26日 · “U WOT M8” is a shorthand for “You what, mate?” which is a colloquialism used by English speakers in the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. It is typically used in response to an incoherent proposition put forth by someone else, along the similar lines of “what did you just say?” or wat or what is this.
2023年4月6日 · 一般而言,o型端子更适用于对接电气设备的电源线和电控线等较细的线缆;而u型端子则更适用于连接较粗的线缆,如电源线和接地线等。 综上所述,O型端子和U型端子在形状、电气特性和使用范围等方面略有不同,根据不同的应用场合和需要,可以选择适合的 ...
M8 端子 – Mouser - 贸泽
Mouser提供M8 端子 的库存、定价和数据表。
u wot m8什么意思 - 百度知道
u wot m8是英文的缩写 意思是 "您不会介意吧 ?!" 希望这能帮到您 !!
What is "U wot M8" and what is it from? : r/OutOfTheLoop - Reddit
Literally, "You what, mate?", it's English slang associated with "Chavs" - working-class people of ill repute and it is generally considered to signify aggression - if you're walking down a street in the bad part of a major English city and a rough-looking individual says this to you, you might be in for a …
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