ENT Masterclass - YouTube
ENT Masterclass® is a novel concept to provide free high quality training in Otorhinolaryngology. It aims to a platform for free courses in Otolaryngology and allied fields by a faculty of ...
Otolaryngology (ENT)- Head and Neck Surgery Mayo Clinic
Rhinosinusitis, Sinus Surgery, AERD and a brief overview of multidisciplinary care at Mayo Clinic. Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at Mayo Clinic is working to capture and create an extensive...
ENT Lecture Series (For Medical Students) - YouTube
This ENT Lecture Series covers topics about ear, nose and throat in a clinical setting with mild conceptual overviews. It is made for students of ENT in MBBS...
ENT Exam Video Series - American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head …
The 4-episode ENT Exam Video Series℠ provides an overview of a thorough examination of the ear, oral cavity, face, nose, neck, nasopharynx, and larynx. Images and video of normal anatomy, normal variances, and common abnormalities have been added to …
Videos - entsho.com
ENT UK has produced some excellent videos demonstrating clinical examinations and procedures. Very useful for exam revision! These videos in the ENT Masterclass Cyber Textbook are pitched at a more advanced level. The ENT Masterclass YouTube channel also hosts some videos on tracheostomy care.
ENT Examination Videos
Attached below are a number of videos displaying a number of ENT examination skills. A lot of hard work has gone into making these videos and we are pleased to be able to provide these videos for free on the site.
BackTable ENT - YouTube
Listen here or on the streaming platform of your choice. The BackTable ENT Podcast is a resource for otolaryngologists to learn tips, techniques, and practical advice on all things ear, nose, and...
General ENT Clinic | Otolaryngology — Head & Neck Surgery
Welcome to the Stanford Comprehensive ENT “How To” Video page. Below you will find instructional videos demonstrating how to perform specialized treatments you may not be familiar with. Please click on the videos to watch a step by step guide showing you how to perform the treatments your provider discussed.
New ENT Exam Video Series Released | AAO-HNS Bulletin
2013年10月20日 · The video is available at no cost on YouTube and on the Academy website, http://www.entnet.org/entexam. There was noticeable buzz about the web series at the AcademyU® Learning Station during the AAO-HNSF 2012 Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO.
How to Perform a Sinus Rinse Video Demonstration - Fauquier ENT …
2020年8月7日 · Performing a sinus rinse is a safe and simple way to clean the nose and sinuses for patients who suffer from allergies or recurrent sinus infections. There are many different devices available to rinse the nose, but they all essentially work the same way. In this video, we demonstrate using a Neilmed bottle.