UNU | United Nations University
5 天之前 · Explore postgraduate programmes and non-degree courses tailored to your interests and career. From our newest research and publications to opportunities to learn and work with us, receive the latest news from UNU. Delivered monthly!! By …
联合国大学 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
聯合國大學(英語: United Nations University ,簡稱 UNU )是聯合國大會的附屬研究機構,根据在1973年12月的联合国大会上通过的联合国大学创建决议而成立,扮演聯合國系統與會員國的智庫角色。
Study at UNU - United Nations University
Students undertake research that links directly with the work of the United Nations and its specialized agencies, as well as numerous intergovernmental processes. With an expert faculty spread across 14 UNU institutes in 12 countries, UNU is a truly global university in structure, operation and ambition.
United Nations University - Wikipedia
The United Nations University (UNU) (国際連合大学, Kokusai Rengō Daigaku) is the think tank and academic arm of the United Nations. [3] Headquartered in Shibuya, Tokyo , Japan , with diplomatic status as a UN institution, its mission is to help resolve global issues related to human development and welfare through collaborative research ...
About UNU - United Nations University
The mission of the United Nations University is to contribute, through collaborative research and education, to efforts to resolve the pressing global problems of human survival, development, and welfare that are the concern of the United Nations, its Peoples, and Member States.
联合国大学 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
联合国大学(英语: United Nations University ,简称 UNU )是联合国大会的附属研究机构,根据在1973年12月的联合国大会上通过的联合国大学创建决议而成立,扮演联合国系统与会员国的智库角色。
如何去联合国大学读书? - 知乎
联合国大学(United Nations University,缩写UNU)是联合国下设的国际大学。 1969年,当时的联合国秘书长缅甸人吴丹积极提议建设一所符合联合国宪章的,以为世界和平人类进步作贡献为宗旨的真正的国际性大学。
About UNU - United Nations University
The mission of UN University is to contribute, through collaborative research, capacity development, and advisory services to efforts to resolve the pressing global problems of human survival, development and welfare that are the concern of …
UNU System | United Nations University
The University comprises UNU Centre in Tokyo and a worldwide network of Research and Training Centres and Programmes assisted by numerous associated and cooperating institutions. These core units work in collaboration with each other as well as with a broader network of several designated UNU Assocaited Institutions and hundreds of cooperating ...
Graduate Admission – United Nations University (UNU)
The United Nations University provides a diverse range of graduate programs spanning multiple disciplines, ensuring that students discover the ideal match for their academic advancement and professional aspirations.