German submarine U-546 - Wikipedia
German submarine U-546 was a Type IXC/40 U-boat operated by Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine during World War II. She was laid down at the Deutsche Werft in Hamburg as yard number 367 on 6 August 1942, launched on 17 March 1943 and commissioned on 2 June 1943 under Oberleutnant zur See Paul Just. [ 2 ]
The Type IXC/40 U-boat U-546 - German U-boats of WWII
U-546 was detected by an American hunter-killer group west of Funchal on the 20th June after a chase that had started on the 13th. The boat fired a torpedo at the escort carrier but missed, and suffered three hours of depth charging from the escorts before escaping. (Sources: Blair, vol 2, page 621) 4 recorded attacks on this boat.
U 546 – U-Boot-Archiv Wiki
U 546 war das vierte Boot der Gruppe Seewolf, das auf den Anmarsch zur amerikanischen Küste im Zuge der Operation Teardrop vernichtet wurde. Das Ende von U 546 hatte das ganz in der Nähe stehende und mit Schleichfahrt ablaufende U 805 mitbekommen.
U 546 – Wikipedia
U 546 war ein von der Kriegsmarine im Zweiten Weltkrieg eingesetztes U-Boot vom Typ IX C/40. Das U-Boot schoss bei seiner ersten Feindfahrt einen B-24-Bomber ab. Am 24. April 1945 versenkte es bei seiner dritten Feindfahrt im Atlantik westlich der Azoren einen US-amerikanischen Zerstörer mit 1200 t, wobei 113 Besatzungsmitglieder starben.
U-546 - U-boat Archive
U-546 was sunk by aircraft of USS Bogue, USS Core and the destroyer escorts, USS Nuenzer, Flaherty, Davis, Pillsbury, Varian, Janssen, Hubbard, Chatelain, Cockrill and Kieth April 25, 1945. Flaherty, Hayter Otter and Otterstetter conducted rescue …
German submarine U-546 - Military Wiki
German submarine U-546 was a Type IXC/40 U-boat operated by the German Kriegsmarine during World War II. She was laid down at the Deutsche Werft in Hamburg as Werk 367 on 6 August 1942, launched on 17 March 1943 and commissioned on 2 …
U-boat Archive - U-546 - Draft Interrogation Report
The U-546 left Kristiansand on 28 January 1944 and took course through the Iceland passage to the area of operations assigned to her in the North Atlantic, participated in the "Schillaufstelleng". On 14 Feb 44 the boat was attacked by a Sunderland with bombs and machine guns without causing any damage to the boat.
H-047-1: Operation Teardrop - NHHC
U-546 was a Type IXC/40 U-boat on her fourth patrol with no sinkings to her credit. Under the command of Kapitänleutnant Paul Just, U-546 sighted the escort carrier Core on 24 April. While...
80-G-317356: German U-Boat, U-546, April 1945 - NHHC
No U-Boat is specifically mentioned, but the last U-Boat sunk by destroyer escorts known was U-546, April 24, 1945. On that date, U-546 sank USS Frederick C. Davis (DE 136), which are shown...
揭秘!美军二战的“泪滴行动”_潜艇 - 搜狐
Sep 26, 2019 · 4月24日8时30分,美军“戴维斯”号驱逐舰探测到德军U-546号潜艇,德军潜艇艇长下令对“戴维斯”号发射鱼雷,该舰沉没。 被激怒的美军舰队对U-546号潜艇展开围追堵截,U-546号被美军“弗莱厄蒂”号驱逐舰重创,不久沉没。 5月5日,德军U-881号潜艇成为“泪滴行动”中最后一艘被击沉的德国潜艇。 当时,U-881号正企图下潜,从水下通过由美军“法夸尔”号驱逐舰负责的封锁线,但“法夸尔”号发现了它的行踪,立即投下大量深水炸弹。 6时16分,U-881号潜艇被炸沉 …