German submarine U-57 (1938) - Wikipedia
German submarine U-57 was a Type IIC U-boat of Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine that served in the Second World War. She was built by Deutsche Werke in Kiel as yard number 256. …
U-57号潜艇 (1938年) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
U-57号(德語: U 57 )是纳粹德国 战争海军建造的八艘II-C型 近岸 ( 英语 : Coastal submarine ) 潜艇(或称U艇)之一。 它由 基尔 的 德意志造船厂 承建,于1938年9月3日 下水 ,至同 …
The Type IIC U-boat U-57 - German U-boats of WWII - uboat.net
Sank at 0015hrs on 3 September 1940 at Brunsbüttel, in position 53.53N, 09.09E, after an accidental collision with the Norwegian steamship Rona. 6 dead and 19 survivors. Raised on 9 …
SM U-57 - Wikipedia
SM U-57 was one of the 329 submarines serving in the Imperial German Navy in World War I. U-57 was engaged in naval warfare and took part in the First Battle of the Atlantic.
German submarine U-57 - Wikipedia
German submarine U-57 (1938), a Type IIC submarine that served in the Second World War until sunk 3 September 1940; raised later in the month and returned to service on 11 January 1941; …
U-57&U-58 - 哔哩哔哩
作为一艘小小的II型潜艇,U-57幸运地得到了上前线的机会,并且在2任出色的艇长的指挥下,取得了不小的战绩。 她的第一任艇长:克劳斯·科恩(Klaus Korth)上尉自1938年12月29日起就 …
二战德国海军——潜航猎手U57 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
本人有幸收藏到一张原品的u-57潜艇照片,为了满足本人好奇心害死猫的精神和求知的精神,找到些资料没有想到还是很有意思的,以下是本人搜集的资料有感兴趣二战的和二战德国的小伙伴 …
U 57 - German and Austrian U-boats of World War One
Take a look at U 57 from WWII. The U-boat War in World War Two (Kriegsmarine, 1939-1945) and World War One (Kaiserliche Marine, 1914-1918) and the Allied efforts to counter the …
U-57号潜艇 (1938年) - Wikiwand
u-57号(德语:)是纳粹德国战争海军建造的八艘ii-c型近岸潜艇(或称u艇)之一。 它由基尔的德意志造船厂承建,于1938年9月3日下水,至同年12月29日交付使用。
German submarine U-57 (1938) | Military Wiki | Fandom
German submarine U-57 was a Type IIC U-boat of the Nazi German Kriegsmarine that served in the Second World War. She was built by Deutsche Werke AG in Kiel as 'werk' 256. Ordered …