Communication Circuits Laboratory - UCLA
UCLA Pipelined ADC Simulator (U-PAS) is a tool for the analysis and design of pipelined ADCs that runs orders of magnitude faster than circuit simulators. Based on a MATLAB script but usable without MATLAB, the tool operates through a graphical user interface (GUI) and provides differential nonlinearity (DNL) and integral nonlinearity (INL ...
Metro U-Pass - Washington University in St. Louis
In conjunction with Metro Transit, WashU’s Metro U-Pass program provides free, unlimited rides on the St. Louis metropolitan region’s public transit system. This includes MetroBuses, MetroLink light-rail system, Call-A-Ride Paratransit service for …
U-PASS at PCC - The Office of Student Life - Pasadena City College
When Can I Get a U-PASS? The SPRING 2025 PCC U-PASS will be available for pick up starting Tuesday, February 10th, 2025. The last day to pick up a U-PASS is at 3PM on Friday, March 7th, 2025. Where Can I Use the U-PASS? The U-PASS is valid on the following transit providers: Metro trains (A, B, C, E, D and K lines)
Login to your account - BPAS Portal
First time logging in? Be sure to have your Welcome letter handy and select the link below to register for online access. Forgot Username? Forgot Password?
Aanvragen & verlengen via Ockto | U-pas
Vanaf 1 november is er een nieuw aanvraag- en verlengproces. Een U-pas aanvragen of verlengen is vanaf deze datum alleen nog mogelijk met een geldige DIGID en de Ockto-app. De Ockto-app haalt automatisch al jouw inkomensgegeven op uit de verschillende overheidsbronnen. Regel hier jouw aanvraag of verlenging.
U-PASS | ID Center | University of Illinois Chicago
After entering your card’s serial number and expiration date, you can check that 1) your card has a balance of $0.00 or greater and 2) under the ‘Passes’ section, the U-PASS is listed.
Pas aanvragen | U-pas
Vraag een U-pas aan. Vul onderstaand formulier in, lever je informatie aan via de Ockto app en start je pasaanvraag.
U-Pass | ID Cards & U-Pass | Services - DePaul University
Your Ventra U-Pass provides unlimited rides on CTA buses and trains during the Autumn, Winter, Spring, and Summer Quarters. Details about U-Pass distribution, Opt-Out, and important dates; U-Pass FAQs; U-Pass and eligibility requirements; Getting started with technology checklist for students, faculty or staff
U-Pass | Cal State LA
2025年1月13日 · The Spring 2025 Metro U-Pass is $71.00 and is valid from January 20, 2025, to May 25, 2025. The U-Pass is subsidized by Metro, The University Student Union, Cal State LA. Transportation Services, and the Student Success Fee. Spring 2025 Sales Process. Students can now opt to have their U-Pass for the Spring semester using the Metro TAP App.
Contact - U-pas
Vanaf 6 november stopt de U-pasbalie op woensdag op het stadskantoor. Op maandag en vrijdag zijn we wel gewoon van 09.00 tot 13.00 geopend. Voor dit U-pasjaar zijn dat de volgende woensdagen: 13 en 27 november, 11 december, 8 en 22 januari, 5 en 19 februari, 5 en 19 maart, 2,16 en 30 april, 14 en 28 mei en 11 en 25 juni.