XPS determination of the uranium valences in U3O8 - ScienceDirect
2023年6月1日 · The current study aims to recognize the valences of uranium in U 3 O 8 by a simple X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) investigation. U 3 O 8 mixed with TiO 2 was photocatalytically reduced under UV or X-ray irradiation, and the chemical states were in-situ determined by XPS.
XPS determination of the uranium valences in U3O8-SciEngine
The current study aims to recognize the valences of uranium in U <inf loc="post">3 </inf>O <inf loc="post">8 </inf>by a simple X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) investigation. U <inf loc="post">3 </inf>O <inf loc="post">8 </inf>mixed with TiO <inf loc="post">2 </inf>was photocatalytically reduced under UV or X-ray irradiation, and the ...
X-ray Photoelectron Spectra of Uranium Oxides - Nature
1972年6月19日 · We therefore examined the X-ray I photoelectron spectra of the three uranium oxides, UO2, U3O8 and UO3, as well as uranium metal. THE oxides of uranium are important compounds both chemically and...
至于u3o8,其xps谱图可能展现出uo2与uo3峰位的叠加效应,通过结合能,就能够将其与其他两种铀矿物明确区分开来[4]。 总之,X射线光电子能谱在分析铀价态时,主要通过结合能差异、谱线形状与峰位、化学位移、标准谱图对比以及数据处理与分析等方法来区分铀 ...
XPS determination of uranium oxidation states - Ilton - 2011
This contribution is both a review of different aspects of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy that can help one determine U oxidation states and a personal perspective on how to effectively model the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of complicated mixed-valence U phases.
Quantifying Morphological Features of α-U3O8 with Image …
Morphological changes in U3O8 based on calcination temperature have been quantified enabling a morphological feature to serve as a signature of processing history in nuclear forensics. Five separate calcination temperatures were used to synthesize α-U3O8, and each sample was characterized using powder X-ray diffraction (p-XRD) and scanning ...
spectroscopy (XPS) investigation. U3O8 mixed with TiO2 was photocatalytically reduced under UV or X-ray irradiation, and the chemical states were in-situ determined by XPS.
八氧化三铀 - 百度百科
八氧化三铀,英文又称uranosouranic oxide或uranous uranate,是一种氧化物,分子式为U3O8。 它是最重要的铀氧化物之一,也是最稳定的铀氧化物,它呈橄榄绿色至黑色固体,并存在于天然沥青铀矿中。
XPS determination of the uranium valences in U3O8
High energy resolution fluorescence detection X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy at the uranium M4 edge is used, and a pivot from U(IV)-U(V) to U(V-U(VI) charge compensation is identified, corresponding with transition from a fluorite-type structure (U3O7) to a layered structure ( U3O8). Expand
XPS determination of the uranium valences in U3O8 - ResearchGate
2023年6月1日 · XPS analysis of the magnetite electrodes polarized in uranium solutions at voltages from -0.1 V to 0.9 V (vs. Ag/AgCl) showed the presence of only U(V) and U(VI).