U4 (Vienna U-Bahn) - Wikipedia
Line U4 is a line on the Vienna U-Bahn metro system. Opened in 1976, it currently has 20 stations and a total length of 16.5 km (10.3 mi), from Hütteldorf to Heiligenstadt. [1] It is connected to …
u4 Route: Schedules, Stops & Maps - Heiligenstadt (Updated)
The U4 subway (Heiligenstadt) has 20 stations departing from Hütteldorf and ending at Heiligenstadt, Wien. Choose any of the U4 subway stations below to find updated real-time …
U4 - Fahrplan, Fahrzeiten und Beschreibung der Stationen - stadt …
Die vierte Wiener U-Bahnlinie U4 verbindet Kulturangebote mit beliebten Sportstätten und außergewöhnlichen Einkaufsmöglichkeiten. Sogar Tierliebhaber kommen mit der U4 auf ihre …
Munich U-Bahn Map - Metro Line Map
The Munich U-Bahn is a rapid transit system in Munich, Germany. Eight lines and 96 stations serve the capital in the German state of Bavaria. The Munich U-Bahn began operation in …
U-Bahn U4 - Info, Fahrplan & Stationen - blog-wien.at
In diesem Artikel erfahren Sie alles Wissenswerte über die grüne Linie U4 der Wiener U-Bahn, von ihrer Geschichte über den aktuellen Fahrplan bis hin zu Umsteigeoptionen an …
Vienna Metro (U-Bahn) - Lines, map, timetable and prices
Line U4 (Green): It runs through the stations from Hütteldorf in the west to Heiligenstadt in the north, with an important stop on its route coinciding with Schönbrunn Palace. Line U6 (Brown): …
Munich U-Bahn - Wikipedia
With only 9.2 km (5.7 mi) and 13 stations, the U4 is Munich's shortest U-Bahn line. This line has originally been planned as U9 and is the only line that operates regularly with 4-car sets rather …
Vienna U-Bahn - Wikipedia
Lines are designated by a number and the prefix "U" (for U-Bahn) and identified on station signage and related literature by a colour. There are five lines; U1, U2, U3, U4 and U6.
Public Transports network in Vienna - Vienna Public Transport
U4 (Green Line): Running between Hütteldorf and Heiligenstadt, this line is ideal for reaching the famous Schönbrunn Palace and the Naschmarkt. U6 (Brown Line): Spanning from …
U-Bahn (Subway) - vienna.info - VIENNA – Now. Forever
U4 (green): Connects Hütteldorf in the west with Heiligenstadt in the north and runs parallel to the Danube Canal, stopping at Karlsplatz and Schönbrunn. U6 (brown): Runs from Siebenhirten in …