Ox Feet Dimensions... | UAD, Apollo, and LUNA Forums
2020年9月22日 · Measured at the base of the feet (where they touch the chassis) the dimensions are 29 cm x 15.5cm - Richard
Ox rubber feet screw size - UAD, Apollo, and LUNA Forums
2021年9月2日 · Hello quick question, anyone know the Ox rubber feet screw size??
View and Download Universal Audio OX operation manual online. amp top box. OX recording equipment pdf manual download.
Universal Audio OX Review - Premier Guitar
2018年3月26日 · OX is a 14-pound box measuring approximately 15" x 8" x 15". It’s designed to perch atop combo amps or heads, using rubber feet to straddle your amp’s handle. With its Fender-influenced color scheme (black, tweed yellow, and brownface brown) and retro styling, it looks good in the role.
The OX Box Is Insane : r/universalaudio - Reddit
2024年3月21日 · As a recent OX owner: Seriously, how is it this good? It has taken my tube amp and just propelled it into a world of previously unachievable and frankly amazing tones that were all but impossible before. And it’s not just cranking the amp. It’s the sound of really good microphones in great rooms that I’m talking about.
UAD OX Amp Top Box - Official PRS Guitars Forum
2018年2月14日 · You can use the OX for the whole effects chain if you want to record wet. So, you can use your amp for the preamp stage, your amp's effects loop OR the built in effects from OX and then you get several great sounding cabs and mics with a mixable room sound.
Universal Audio OX Amp Top Box Attenuator - Reverb
Incorporating dozens of high-fidelity speaker emulations in a compact, streamlined box that allows you to instantly dial in sweet spot tone at any volume, the Universal Audio OX Amp Top Box …
Would you rather have your favorite UA FX pedal or a Tonex? | UAD ...
2024年9月26日 · In fact, the "collections" packs are generally superior to the paid version offerings. You can use the free version to get your feet wet and then demo the collections. Most are cheap as hell, and work really well. Lately, I've really gotten into the Amalgam stuff.
简单聊一下UAD OX衰减负载盒的使用感受,翻弹《cryin'》
2021年7月19日 · OX不愧是XO级别的,UA就像音频界的苹果. 等级都差不多,就是不知道能不能像效果器卡那样可以支持更多的UAD插件就好。 想听下之前用过不满意的衰减器让我少走弯 …
Uad Ox Vs Suhr Rl Ir - The Gear Page
2019年11月25日 · OX's effects are now foot switchable. Many consider the load in the Suhr to be the best on the market, many consider OX's load to do the job too. Cabs in the Ox, load in the Suhr if you want the feel of a Greenie 4x12. Suhr is a load NOT an attenuator. if you've already got the effects covered then the Suhr is really nice.