Unified Architecture Framework® (UAF®) - Object Management …
OMG®'s Unified Architecture Framework (UAF®) efficiently captures commercial, governmental and industrial enterprise architectures with specific business, op and SoS integration needs.
About the Unified Architecture Framework Specification Version 1.2
The primary modeling elements in UAF are as follows: Capabilities, Operational Performers and Operational Activities, Resources (including Resource Performers, such as Persons, …
start [UAF Wiki]
UAFP enables the extraction of specified and custom views from an integrated architecture description (AD) in support of a model-based systems engineering (MBSE) approach. The …
What is Unified Architecture Framework - Visual Paradigm
UAF defines ways of representing an enterprise architecture that enables stakeholders to focus on specific areas of interest in the enterprise while retaining sight of the big picture. UAF …
Unified Architecture Framework - Sparx Systems
UAF model templates with context-sensitive modeling to maximise productivity. Model Validation to help ensure consistency and correctness. Easy navigation of architecture diagrams in the …
UAF标准概述 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
UAF (Unified Architecture Framework)统一架构框架是 OMG 开发的一种通用的架构框架建模语言。 UAF 基于众多利益相关方对系统的关切,提供一系列预定义或者定制的视图对系统进行 …
Unified Architecture Framework (UAF) - Aerospace Corporation
The Unified Architecture Framework (UAF) published by the Object Management Group (OMG) defines a complete set of stakeholder domains as the basis for creating the variety of …
UAF模型指南(建模工具EA) - 火龙果软件工程
UAF 的全称是 Unified Architecture Framework ,由 OMG 发布,目的是统一 DoDAF (美国国防部架构框架)、 MoDAF (英国国防部架构框架)、 NAF (北约架构框架)的架构建模。 …
UAF version 1.0 is industry domain agnostic [OMG 2013]. It is targeted to model systems of systems, including enterprises and IoT systems. Why UAF? The paradigm shift from a …
— Process reference model for Enterprise Architecture (EA) Process Guide to be included in the OMG standard for the Unified Architecture Framework (UAF), — Reference model as the …
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