GitHub - VisDrone/VisDrone-Dataset: The dataset for drone …
The benchmark dataset consists of 288 video clips formed by 261,908 frames and 10,209 static images, captured by various drone-mounted cameras, covering a wide range of aspects including location (taken from 14 different cities separated by thousands of kilometers in China), environment (urban and country), objects (pedestrian, vehicles ...
GitHub - UAVSwarm/UAVSwarm-dataset: UAVSwarm dataset …
UAVSwarm dataset was manually collected and annotated for UAV swarm detection and tracking, in which thirteen different scenes and more than nineteen types of UAV were recorded, including 12,598 annotated images—the number of UAV in each sequence is 3 to 23.
UAVDT Dataset - Papers With Code
UAVDT is a large scale challenging UAV Detection and Tracking benchmark (i.e., about 80, 000 representative frames from 10 hours raw videos) for 3 important fundamental tasks, i.e., object DETection (DET), Single Object Tracking (SOT) and Multiple Object Tracking (MOT). The dataset is captured by UAVs in various complex scenarios.
无人机相关开源数据集资源汇总 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
UAV Delievery 数据集包含了无人机在不同速度、高度和风力条件下的轨迹细节。 该数据集是使用带有 UAVTrajectory.py 插件的露天交通模拟器 (ATS) 从基于卡车的“在线食品配送平台”创建的。
MMFW-UAV dataset: multi-sensor and multi-view fixed-wing UAV dataset …
2025年1月30日 · MMFW-UAV contains a total of 147,417 fixed-wing UAVs images captured by multiple types of sensors (zoom, wide-angle, and thermal imaging sensors), displaying the flight status of fixed-wing...
UAV_Dataset home page - Purdue University
Multi-Target Detection and Tracking from a Single Camera in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) Dataset Data Set: The data set comprises 50 video sequences of 70250 frames with 30 fps frame rate.
2024最新 无人机 数据集(12-06已更新) - CSDN博客
2024年12月6日 · UAV-VisLoc数据集用于支持无人机视觉定位任务,为无人机视觉定位任务提供了训练和测试样本,通过匹配无人机拍摄的地面向下视角图像与正射卫星地图,实现无人机的自主视觉定位。
GitHub - qiangsun89/UAV-datasets: Datasets for deep learning …
Land use classification dataset with 38 classes and 800 RGB JPG images for each class. A large-scale benchmark dataset containing million instances for RS scene classification, 51 scene categories organized by the hierarchical category.
UAVA Dataset - Papers With Code
We employ a real-world 3D scanned dataset (Matterport3D), physically-based rendering, a gamified simulator for realistic drone navigation trajectory collection, to generate realistic multimodal data both from the user’s exocentric view of the drone, as well as the drone’s egocentric view.
Small UAV Image Registration Dataset (SUIRD) 数据集介绍,这可 …
4 天之前 · 文章浏览阅读367次,点赞4次,收藏6次。最近在研究遥感特征匹配的工作,阅读了一些这个领域的论文,其中有一篇论文介绍到了SUIRD数据集。这是一个很小的数据集,包含60个图像对,虽然readme里有对mat文件中字段的介绍,但是其中还有两个干扰字段没有说明,一度让我误解了其代表的含义,这两个 ...