UAZ-469 - Wikipedia
The UAZ-469 is an off-road military light utility vehicle manufactured by UAZ since 1971. It was used by Soviet and other Warsaw Pact armed forces, as well as paramilitary units in Eastern Bloc countries. In the Soviet Union, it also saw widespread service in state organizations that needed a robust and durable off-road vehicle.
TOP 4 forgotten Soviet military vehicles - Russia Beyond
In the mid-1980s, Soviet engineers came up with an amphibious all-terrain vehicle for air assault troops, dubbed the ‘UAZ-3907’ (or ‘Project Jaguar’). According to Kozyulin, the Jaguar was ...
1988 UAZ-3172 - museum exhibit | 360CarMuseum.com
The UAZ-3172 (“Wagon”) is a trial four-wheel drive special off-road car for the service over the roads of all categories and across country as well. The automobile was developed against order of Ministry of Defense of the USSR to replace the UAZ-3151 and underwent State tests still the automobile serial production was not launched on ...
Declassified rarities from USSR - SteelSoldiers
2011年3月1日 · Development of the UAZ-3171 to jeep UAZ-3172, tested in 1986-1993. Body - 4-door. Engines UMZ (УМЗ): carburetor - 83 hp (2,45 l), 100 hp. (2.89 liters) and injector - 96 hp. (2,45 l).
1991 UAZ-3172-01 "Simbir" - museum exhibit | 360CarMuseum.com
The Simbir was based on the platform of the army UAZ-3172 and employed a number of its design elements, in particular a front (axle spring) and rear suspensions and a differential transfer gear, though this automobile used direct-driven axles of the spacer type which provided 220 mm road clearance quite enough for a mass-produced civil version.
Автомобиль УАЗ-3172 - uazbuka.ru
УАЗ-3172-01 (1991 г) с кузовом пятидверный универсал, выпущен один экземпляр, проходивший испытания в 1991 году.
TOP 4 forgotten Soviet military vehicles - bignewsnetwork.com
UAZ-3172 (Project Vagon) Vadim Kondratiev. From the late 1970s, engineers began working on a replacement for the famous 'Uazik' (UAZ-469) jeep. It was an all-wheel-drive vehicle with inter-wheel differential lock, rigid axles with a final drive, a 33-cm road clearance, long-travel spring suspension and a 100-hp engine.
俄军士兵喜欢开什么车? - 哔哩哔哩
2024年1月27日 · 片中出现的uaz-3163的前代车型实际上有两款。 其中,“短轴距”款型号为UAZ3160,商品名为“Combat”(这个是采用的英语文献中的说法,但有不少俄语文献还是称这款车为“Simbir”)
苏联UAZ越野车测试录像 - 哔哩哔哩
“苏联鉴宝”圣彼得堡。苏联勋章按斤买?,欧洲第二大跳蚤市场能有多硬核?干货满满,全是勋章军械和胶片相机的市场 ...
УАЗ-3172 и другие неизвестные внедорожники «Симбир»
2023年1月18日 · Как следствие почти сразу после начала производства 469-го, ульяновские конструкторы приступили к проектированию радикально нового семейства внедорожников Симбир — УАЗ-3170, УАЗ-3171 и УАЗ-3172. УАЗ-3170 с закрытым кузовом. Разработка УАЗ-3170 стартовала в 1974 году после назначения на …