UAZ-452 - Wikipedia
The UAZ-452 is a family of four wheel drive off-road vans and light trucks with body-on-frame construction and cab over engine design, built by the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant (UAZ) since 1965.
Official website of UAZ (Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant)
The entire model range of UAZ is on the official website of the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant.
UAZ-469 - Wikipedia
The UAZ-469 is an off-road military light utility vehicle manufactured by UAZ since 1971. It was used by Soviet and other Warsaw Pact armed forces, as well as paramilitary units in Eastern Bloc countries. In the Soviet Union, it also saw widespread service in state organizations that needed a robust and durable off-road vehicle.
UAZ Hunter 2024 model year. Trimsof UAZ Hunter on the official …
Trimsof UAZ Hunter on the official website of UAZ. The special version Expedition is based on the Hunter «Base Fleet» with a rear axle differential lock. Key components are carefully designed in the factory, certified and provide tangible benefits to the consumer.
UAZ Racing 4x4 - gamepressure.com
2006年11月10日 · UAZ Racing 4x4 is a realistic car race prepared by Avalon Style Entertainment, in which players have the opportunity to sit behind the wheel of UAZ off-road cars. The creators envisaged several routes leading through Russian taiga, along the shores of Lake Baikal, and even through the ice-stricken Kamchatka.
UAZ Racing 4x4 (PC, 2006, English) : Avalon Style Entertainment : …
2022年5月30日 · UAZ Racing 4x4 (PC, 2006, English) by Avalon Style Entertainment. Publication date 2006 Topics uaz racing 4x4, polnyj privod uaz 4x4, 1c Language English Item Size 1.4G . Also known as Polnyj Privod: UAZ 4x4. ISO image in …
UAZ 469 & UAZ Hunter all you need to know about Russian 4x4
2019年12月25日 · History and in-depth overview of Uaz 469 and it's modern variant Uaz Hunter with numerous pictures and specs. The path of this wild Russian 4x4 in the USA
UAZ Profi 2024 model year. Trims of UAZ Profi on the official …
Trims of UAZ Profi on the official website of UAZ. Market standard for urban truck: more stability and less drawdown. Rear suspension stabilizer in the base. More accurate brake pedal feedback and improved braking performance (for 4x2 version)
历久弥坚的УАЗUAZ-469 4x4 轻型多用途全地形车(原创)|马力|汽车|uaz…
2022年11月14日 · UAZ-469 是乌里扬诺夫斯克汽车厂(距俄罗斯首都莫斯科东南875公里,地处伏尔加河中游)生产的 4x4 轻型多用途全地形车辆(是著名的传奇军用指挥车"嘎斯—67"(伊万—威利斯)升级版)。
uaz-4x4.ru - О компании
Автосервис UAZ-4x4.ru выполняет ремонт и модернизацию внедорожников УАЗ в г.Малоярославец. Профессиональная подготовка УАЗ для охоты и рыбалки, техническое обслуживание, запчасти.