UAZ-469 - Wikipedia
The UAZ-469 is an off-road military light utility vehicle manufactured by UAZ since 1971. It was used by Soviet and other Warsaw Pact armed forces, as well as paramilitary units in Eastern Bloc countries. In the Soviet Union, it also saw widespread service in state organizations that needed a robust and durable off-road vehicle.
UAZ-452 - Wikipedia
The UAZ-452 is a family of four wheel drive off-road vans and light trucks with body-on-frame construction and cab over engine design, built by the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant (UAZ) since 1965.
UAZ - Wikipedia
UAZ or Ulyanovsky Avtomobilny Zavod (Russian: Ульяновский автомобильный завод, УАЗ, romanized: Ulyanovsky avtomobilny zavod, UAZ, lit. 'Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant') is an automobile manufacturer based in Ulyanovsk, Russia, which manufactures off-road vehicles, buses and trucks.
UAZ-469 - 百度百科
瓦滋-469,是 苏联 UAZ(乌里扬诺夫斯克汽车厂) 生产的一种全地形车辆。 苏军 和其他 华沙条约组织 力量,以及其他 东方集团 国家的准军事化部队都使用了它。 在苏联,它拥有广泛的用途,在所有的国家和军事集团中,都需要有一种性能优异的越野车。 瓦滋-469被采用在1973年,是为了替换更早的 嘎斯 -69。 瓦滋-469 具有两大优势:它能在任何地形开车,修理也是非常容易的。 它的可靠性和路外的能力相当优异,瓦滋-469 因此达到了传奇的地位。 这种车辆因为不现 …
The GAZ-69 (UAZ 69) 4x4 Truck (1949) - Truck Encyclopedia
The GAZ-69 became the basic light off-road vehicle of the Soviet Army. In about ten years, it replaced the previous GAZ-67s and lend-lease WW2 Willys Jeep. They served bot as light transport and staff cars unti replaced by the UAZ-469 in the 1960s. The GAZ-69 was a softskin vehicle, unarmed (outside personal weaponry).
UAZ 469 & UAZ Hunter all you need to know about Russian 4x4
2019年12月25日 · UAZ 469 was meant to be a successor of GAZ 69, a military vehicle that was very similar to American Willys and its roots are coming from World War II. The first prototype UAZ 460 looked quite similar to a Land Rover, which has just started to conquer wild terrains of the former British colonies.
历久弥坚的УАЗUAZ-469 4x4 轻型多用途全地形车(原创)|马力|汽车|uaz…
2022年11月14日 · UAZ-469 是乌里扬诺夫斯克汽车厂(距俄罗斯首都莫斯科东南875公里,地处伏尔加河中游)生产的 4x4 轻型多用途全地形车辆(是著名的传奇军用指挥车"嘎斯—67"(伊万—威利斯)升级版)。 它的开发始于 1961 年。 专门为军事任务而设计。 第一辆原型车于 1962 年完成。 第一批 UAZ-469 系列越野车于 1972 年 12 月 15 日下线。 它在生产中取代了以前的 GAZ-69。 UAZ-469 被苏联军方以及民用运营商广泛使用。 并出口到全球约80个国家地区。 产量已超过 2 …
UAZ-469 (1962-2003) - Motor Car History
The UAZ -469 (УАЗ -469), later referred to as UAZ -3151 , is an off-road vehicle of the Soviet and Russian manufacturer Uljanowski Awtomobilny Sawod (short UAZ) from Ulyanovsk . The UAZ-469 was mainly used by the Soviet Army and other Warsaw Pact forces .
WW2 Interwar and WW2 Soviet trucks & vehicles (1920-45)
During World War II, the Soviet Union used a variety of trucks for military purposes, both domestically produced and imported from other countries. Here are some examples: GAZ-AA: This was a Soviet truck produced by the GAZ factory between 1932 and 1942. It was used extensively during World War II as a cargo truck and as a platform for ...
忘れられたソ連の軍用車両4選 - ロシア・ビヨンド
80年代半ば、ソ連の技師らは空挺軍のために水上を走れる全地形対応車uaz-3907(プロジェクト「ヤグアル」(「ジャガー」の意)を開発した。 コジュリン氏によれば、技術的にヤグアルは風浪階級2に耐えられるはずだった。